forum Should I get premium?
Started by Nickle

people_alt 41 followers


Hello! I'm new here, and I was wondering how many people here have Premium. I really like what I've seen about this place so far, and I feel curious about the other page types that I can't access yet. Is it worth it? I'm assuming it is, but I'm wondering what people have to say about this. Thanks!


Welcome to notebook!!
I think whether or not premium is worth it for you depends on a couple of things - I have it now, but my first year on notebook was mainly without (because I couldn't comfortably afford it).
Premium is cool because:

  • Your worldbuilding is way more organised! Before I got premium, I would add new categories to existing pages to store all my information, which worked okay but it was very messy. But having all these different page types makes it a lot easier to store info in the right place and find it again
  • More space for images (that was very important to me, idk)
  • The document analysing feature! This one's probably what makes premium worth it for me. It analyses your writing, what kind of words you use, how long your sentences are, etc. I find it really helpful

Not having premium is also cool because:

  • You don't have to pay for anything
  • You still have full access to forums and if you put in the effort, you can still store all the worldbuilding information you want to.
  • You still have full privacy and control over what you make public!! This is the reason I prefer this site to other worldbuilding sites out there (like World Anvil), where not paying means your worldbuilding is there for all the world to see.
  • Promo codes for unlocking premium pages are maybe a thing?? These are pretty new so I don't know how they work or how often they show up, but they are there.


As a fun little detail, you also get to customize the yellow tag that signifies your Premium status. Then again, I don't expect that to be a main selling point.