forum Shattering the 4th wall for dummies.....
Started by @Paperok

people_alt 3 followers


I don't know really, asking self have there been any fourth wall breaks that I didn't enjoy? Hm… I haven't seen very many, anyway.

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Well, this may be quite weird, but I actively shattered my character's world in book 3.
Megan always had little glimpses of stuff, like she knew that there was going to be a relationship between Hunter and Ember. She subconsciously did things before they happened,if that makes any sense. She saw a glimpse of her and James, causing her to have a crush on him. (She judged falsely on that.) She understands people's point of view without even trying.
In book three, she has a seizer. (Kind of like the Under the Dome seizers). She see's multiple worlds (books), learns everything that happened in the last two books.
She finds out that she and her friends' reality is fake. And with the power of the Merged and Sycore, he could break into the other fictional worlds.
I'm still working on a lot of it.


If you're into it, I personally suggest either a Deadpool way of fourth-wall breaking or a character becoming "self-aware" of sorts. Like they have a dream they're trapped in a book lying on a shelf or they have an existential crisis and astral-plane themselves into reality on accident

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"Like they have a dream they're trapped in a book lying on a shelf or they have an existential crisis and astral-plane themselves into reality on accident"
That's funny to me for some reason. I just imagine Deadpool lying on a bookshelf, freaking out.

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Ikr? Now back to Fourth-wall breaking.

So another one of my characters, Ember, is an Infp. I'm trying to link her as much as i can to a real infp, which isn't that hard since I'm one too.
She loves books so I'm giving her thoughts like this:

"What a weird abject it was. What mysteries could it contain?
What am i thinking? This isn’t some fictional world. This is real-life. Real-life is not as fun as the fictional.
But what if it was? What if i’m secretly the side character to some middle-school drama? Would Megan be the main character? Would Summer be? Everyone loves Summer. I scoffed at my stupidity. No author in their right mind would make me the side character."

I wasn't really trying to break it but it happened. I'm not actively doing this, I'm getting into her head, does that make any sense?
In this draft, when she meets Hunter they're going to talk about the personalities 'cuz' they're both nerds, making it clear how her personality works.