forum Share Your Magic System!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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I mean how does magic work?

I don’t know how to describe the way it works, honestly I don’t even know what my story is, just a mushed up pile of ideas that don’t make much sense together

Deleted user

All of my magics are based of of an element of some sort. Or multiple elements. Each element has an opposite element. Or multiple ones. And every kind of magic can be blocked by a substance of some sort (gemstone mineral metal) and another type of substance can augement/enhance said aura.

@Starfast group

I have two magic systems that I'm currently working on for two separate projects.

The first is one that despite it being from a story that I've been developing for like 10+ years still needs a lot of work. But basically the magic users in this universe are called Magic Keepers. There's only ever a maximum of 10 Magic Keepers at any given time: One from each nation (one to help protect their nation and one apprentice). What I'm trying to figure out right now is

  • Why there's only 10 (For plot reasons, it has to be this way. I'd even be ok with this being explained through a myth but before I was just kinda like "Well, it's a fantasy and that's just how it is in this universe").
  • What is the limit of their powers (When I first started coming up with the idea they could do anything except bring the dead back to life, but that still seems way too OP. They're meant to be powerful, but I don't want it to be a story where they can just use magic to get out of any situation).
  • What are the specific duties that a Magic Keeper has (Their purpose has always been to protect their nation, but that's super vague).

The second one is a lot newer and as a result a lot less developed. Basically, in this universe magic is regulated by the government. Most of the government is made up of magic users. It's not a requirement that people with magic work for the government, but the ones who don't need to be registered (There's also jobs that are specific to people with magic). Being a registered magic user basically means that the government can call on you at any time to help with certain tasks to help keep the country running smoothly (These kinds of tasks include things like fixing potholes in the roads, helping farmers grow crops during a drought, cleaning things up after storms/natural disasters). Hypothetically, if a war were to break out, registered magic users could also be drafted into the army. People are selected for tasks at random from the database of magic users, and are only allowed to refuse under really specific circumstances.

I'm mostly trying to figure out what the penalty would be for people who don't register themselves. I'm still trying to piece the plot together at this point, but right now the direction it's going in it's going to involve a radical group of unregistered magic users who basically just want to use their powers however they want, and don't want to have to be forced into taking on jobs.