forum share your bad writing !!!
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

we all wrote weird, bad stories as children (probably) so here's a place to wax nostalgic and also laugh at your seven year old self.
here's one from a few years ago, my sister and I wrote it together, and be warned, its a percy jackson fanfic (ugh)


oh man
here's one I wrote in 6th grade that i never finished. it (or the formatting, at least) is inspired by the book Diamond Willow.

my secret

mum and
dad say fly, girl,
leave the house and
go. so do margaret and jules.
they don’t understand. how could
they, if I haven’t ever told them that if I go
I will drift, floating up and up ceaselessly, just
to die on the wind lest I spend all eternity in the clouds.
they don’t know that I am afraid to even leave my
room. they don’t know that it is a struggle
to stay on the floor. they don’t know
any of that but why should
I care? I am the one
who kept it a

i'm not entirely sure where i was going with this. like, at all.


we all wrote weird, bad stories as children (probably) so here's a place to wax nostalgic and also laugh at your seven year old self.
here's one from a few years ago, my sister and I wrote it together, and be warned, its a percy jackson fanfic (ugh)

idk what you're talking about, this really isn't bad at all

@Mojack group

Y’know, I was gonna say I didn’t keep it, but I looked around and found my old notebook. I’ll see if I can try and copy it onto here for all of you guys to see my younger self’s..writing.


thanks? i don't even know what i was thinking while writing this. i don't know where it's set, who the characters are, what the plot is, or anything. oh well lol


oh man
here's one I wrote in 6th grade that i never finished. it (or the formatting, at least) is inspired by the book Diamond Willow.

my secret

mum and
dad say fly, girl,
leave the house and
go. so do margaret and jules.
they don’t understand. how could
they, if I haven’t ever told them that if I go
I will drift, floating up and up ceaselessly, just
to die on the wind lest I spend all eternity in the clouds.
they don’t know that I am afraid to even leave my
room. they don’t know that it is a struggle
to stay on the floor. they don’t know
any of that but why should
I care? I am the one
who kept it a

i'm not entirely sure where i was going with this. like, at all.

i don't know the book, but this isn't bad either… it seems to express what it's like to live with anxiety


oh man
here's one I wrote in 6th grade that i never finished. it (or the formatting, at least) is inspired by the book Diamond Willow.

my secret

mum and
dad say fly, girl,
leave the house and
go. so do margaret and jules.
they don’t understand. how could
they, if I haven’t ever told them that if I go
I will drift, floating up and up ceaselessly, just
to die on the wind lest I spend all eternity in the clouds.
they don’t know that I am afraid to even leave my
room. they don’t know that it is a struggle
to stay on the floor. they don’t know
any of that but why should
I care? I am the one
who kept it a

i'm not entirely sure where i was going with this. like, at all.

i don't know the book, but this isn't bad either… it seems to express what it's like to live with anxiety

hmm wow you're actually right??? i guess it accidentally meant something. haha!

Deleted user

we all wrote weird, bad stories as children (probably) so here's a place to wax nostalgic and also laugh at your seven year old self.
here's one from a few years ago, my sister and I wrote it together, and be warned, its a percy jackson fanfic (ugh)

idk what you're talking about, this really isn't bad at all


@Mojack group

I’ve copied the stories with exact grammar I used back then.

“LPS haunted sleepover”
Butter flew up to the hanger. Mr. black ear stood still. Ring! Ring! Ill get it! Said flowers. She answers the phone. Uh huh. Yea. Let me go ask my mom. Mom! Yea? Can me and red ear go over to mudder? He said it’s a sleepover party. Well of course! Yay! Dad dropped me and my brother off at mudders. You’re here! Of course I am! Right this way- the bedrooms are up here. Here. Our guests will arrive soon. lets get on our pjs. So they did.they watched a movie and ate popcorn. Finally, they play truth or dare. Truth or dare? Dare. I dare you to.. HELP!! Said an interuping call. HELP!! ROARRRRR! Torkoise! I told you not to roar. So they continued with their game. I dare u to go in the haunted attic.
To be continued..
After their game, they went to bed. Moan…. its was dark as everyone poked their head out of the door. They saw a floating sheet. Gazers took it off. It was torkoise! When red ear and flowers went home they told there mom and dad about the fun. Well, that’s enough fun for a day! BYE! (Movie song) NUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNOMNOMNOM BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE!

I’m a better writer now.

@Starfast group

I'm just going to drop this here with no context except that this was something I wrote for school:

Joey was an average thirteen year old boy. He did well in school, and had many friends who he liked to hang out with all the time. One beautiful sunny day, Joey and his friends decided to play in a forest. They walked down a street made of yellow bricks, clambered over a broken fence and began walking through a muddy path that led into the forest. They walked through the forest for quite some time, when suddenly they saw the most terrifying gangster they had ever seen in their short little lives.
“Gimme all yo money!” Said the gangster. Joey and his friends screamed. They turned around to run back home, but they were surrounded by other gangsters who were equally terrifying. Joey was terrified. The gangsters began to close in on Joey and his friends. None of them had been so scared in their lives. Joey was so scared, that as the gangsters continued to close in on them, he passed out.
When Joey finally regained consciousness, he had no idea where he was. He was lying down in a strange room. He decided to get up to look around the area, but when he tried to sit up, he realized that he was strapped down to a steel bed. There was no escape.
Joey looked around the room, studying his surroundings. Suddenly, a door opened and a stream of light shot through the dark room. A tall, menacing figure entered. The man was very tall, and intimidating, and he acted like he had some kind of authority over the strange place.
“Hello, Joey,” The person said in a very menacing tone.
“Who are you?” Joey asked nervously.
“My name is Kanye West,” The man said, “And Imma let you finish, but Mr. [redacted]'s writing 12 block B is the best writing class of all time!” Joey heard a crowd cheering (As well as some booing from the other writing classes). A curtain rose and Joey saw that he was on a stage in a theater. But that wasn’t a big deal until Joey realized that he was at the Grammys
“Do you want to be a part of my new album ‘My Beautiful, Dark, Twisted Fantasy?” Kanye asked Joey. The crowd started cheering, and Kanye’s voice was so demanding, that there was only one option.
“Yes,” Joey replied feebly.
“Good!” Kanye exclaimed, “Now, let the show commence!”
Lights began to dim, except for one spotlight that focussed on Joey, shining right into his eyes. Then once the crowd was quiet, some flashing, colourful lights danced all around the theater.
“Ready?” Kanye asked excitedly. The crowd began to cheer, but Joey couldn’t answer because Kanye’s assistants; a bunch of girls wearing polkadot bikinis came over and began to tape Joey’s mouth shut. With the flashing lights blinding him, Joey only had his ears to rely on. From behind him, he heard the rattling of a chainsaw. It took three tries for the chainsaw to start.
Once it was started, the crowd screamed “3….2…1!”
Joey saw Kanye walk up to him with the chainsaw and began to panic. He was about to be hacked to pieces by Kanye and there was nothing he could do. Out of the many people in the huge theatre, none of them were willing to help. So Joey had no choice, but to lie back and accept his fate.
The blade of the chainsaw was inches away from Joey’s neck when suddenly, it was pushed away.
“Not so fast Kanye!” Said a voice. Joey looked and instantly recognized his savior. It was Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance!
“Yo Gerard,” Kanye said, “Imma let you finish, but–”
 “I don’t care!” Gerard said. With one powerful movement, he pushed Kanye off the stage and everyone cheered. They cheered even harder when the rest of My Chemical Romance walked onto the stage. As they did, Gerard freed Joey from the steel bed.
“Thank’s Gerard!” Joey said, “You’re my hero! But I need to get home now.”
“Without a performance from us?” Gerard said, “I don’t think so! Hit it guys!”
The spotlights focussed on the band as they started playing Joey’s favourite song, ‘This is How I Disappear.’ Joey watched in awe as Gerard sang his heart out, and as Frank Iero and Ray Toro the two guitarists showed off their legendary skills. Joey looked over at Mikey Way, the bassist, who was jamming out and having the time of his life. As the last note of the song died out, the crowd began to cheer so loudly that Joey thought he would go deaf.
They were about to leave when Mikey picked up Kanye’s chainsaw. “Hey,” He said, “What’s this?”
“I’ll take that,” Gerard said. He got it started, then threw it off the stage at Kanye, who then got cut to pieces. Once Kanye was dead, Gerard took the microphone and said, “Well, there’s nothing to see here any more. You guys can go home now.” So everyone left. Including Joey.
The End.


Oh boy… I know I've posted this everywhere but I tried to write stories about Superhero-ified Pinkie Pie when I was about 6-7 years old and to this date, it's the worst thing I've ever seen. Basically, the attempted plot was that Pinkie Pie was an overpowered superhero who could travel through different universes (Marvel, Legend Of Zelda, DC, etc.) with her sidekicks (my old stuffed animals) and her children (my My Little Pony OCs from back then)

Here are some HIGH-QUALITY MS paint drawings from each story:
And here are the stories themselves (with some of the drawings):

(Book 1)

one day a unicorn queen named rarity was haveing a baby. her husband, starcacher, was flying up to the clouds with rarity on his back. when they were on the clouds. rarity got off starcacher and soon she had her baby. as soon as the baby was born, she flew off the clouds on starcacher. the baby's name was pinkie pie. she had to explore the clouds and jump off the cloud before her 6 hour timer runs out. so, she went to explore. on the way she met link. soon, they became the best of friends. then, a 5 year old was being mean to link, and then pinkie came. she saw link was in trouble and she was so strong she scared off the 5 year old. and soon the big minute came. then link jumped on her back to go down to explore ponyville. soon pinkie realized she had wings and a horn! so, she jumped off, spread out her wings and flew down with her friend. she was a very good flyer! they had a party. a pony's cutie mark is created by the first thing they do when they jump off the clouds, so pinkie got ballons. when she was 1, she saw a hero named thor, he saved her life. (only because she was cute and small, orelse she woldve saved herself.) when she was 2, though, she got struck by lightning. she was ok, in fact, she got special powers: she was as fast as lightning, she could shoot fireballs, she was heat resistant, she could become invisible, when she gets mad she becomes an AWESOME fire monster. but the bad thing is, she can not be cold, wet or shot with an arrow or as you probably have already figured out: she will die. after she got those abilities, she met three magical talking animals: flower, bess, and honey. they had powers too, to heal themselves, but that was useless because they were invincible. so pinkie taught them how to heal others, and by "heal" she found out that they really meant bring themselves back to life when they were DEAD! so they helped pinkie survive the winters, and there was almost no problems in ponyville ever again.

                                                       the end.

(Book 2, unfinished)

one day, pinkie pie was strolling along the galaxies in her space rider (invisible rocketship powered by light) looking for an undiscovered planet. when she saw the milky way, no other pony had before! she named it the starry hole. knew she would find a planet there! & she saw jupiter, (she named it "redy planet") saturn, (she named it "precious") neptune, (she named it "dolphin planet") & all the other planets, but she loved earth the most. (she had no idea what to name it though, so she called it "unnamed2" unnamed1 is pinkies planet) she wanted to name this weird galaxy, so she called it "the starry hole galaxy" she wanted to visit each one in case she would find something. & when she visited unnamed2, she had a big suprise! huge buildings, lots of wierd slow thingys (cars at lightning's point of view) and even slower LIVING thingys, (humans) but soon she saw iron man, captain america & all the other avengers. she slowly landed her rocket behind a trash can, but the avengers spotted her almost INSTANTLY! (its hard not to spot you when you light the building behind you on fire)

                                                                                             the end.                 

(Book 3)
chapter 1~ sappire star~

one day pinkie was doing her daliy duty of protecting ponyville when she rembered she was supposed to go to the clouds to have a baby. When she got there she had one cute Little blue unicorn baby with a brown mane and tail. "she is so cute!" said pinkie. She named her sappire star.

chapter 2~ danger~

when she got home she wanted to tell the others about how protecting ponyville went but she wanted to help her baby learn how to use her tiny little horn to do magic first. but as soon as she finished someone broke in, and set the house on fire. that would not be a bad thing becuse fire heals pinkie. but her kids are not the same. "girls, come here! we all have to get out!" said pinkie. to escape, pinkie had to break a window, grab all three of her kids, and jump out of the house. that is a lot of danger.

chapter 3~ not safe~

pinkie had to get some ponys to take care of her kids wile she was gone getting food from the berry bush and helping her pets at the farm getting milk and eggs from the cows and chickens. it was fun, but she had to make sure that she did not get hurt. she knew that her kids were fine. but that same guy came in, and pinkie lost all her powers! and he was going to kill her! "help!" shouted pinkie. no one heard her. that, is not safe.

chapter 4~ the story of kids~

but then a thing that was good and bad happened to pinkie, it was her kids! they were comeing to save her! that is the good thing, the bad thing is they are not very good at it yet. and pinkie was stuck, with no powers, and running as far as possible. she must have been very lucky becuse the first thing sappire learned was how to give pinkie her powers back! and sappire did it! that, is the story of kids.

                                                                    the end.

…Help me


I'm just going to drop this here with no context except that this was something I wrote for school:

Joey was an average thirteen year old boy. He did well in school, and had many friends who he liked to hang out with all the time. One beautiful sunny day, Joey and his friends decided to play in a forest. They walked down a street made of yellow bricks, clambered over a broken fence and began walking through a muddy path that led into the forest. They walked through the forest for quite some time, when suddenly they saw the most terrifying gangster they had ever seen in their short little lives.
“Gimme all yo money!” Said the gangster. Joey and his friends screamed. They turned around to run back home, but they were surrounded by other gangsters who were equally terrifying. Joey was terrified. The gangsters began to close in on Joey and his friends. None of them had been so scared in their lives. Joey was so scared, that as the gangsters continued to close in on them, he passed out.
When Joey finally regained consciousness, he had no idea where he was. He was lying down in a strange room. He decided to get up to look around the area, but when he tried to sit up, he realized that he was strapped down to a steel bed. There was no escape.
Joey looked around the room, studying his surroundings. Suddenly, a door opened and a stream of light shot through the dark room. A tall, menacing figure entered. The man was very tall, and intimidating, and he acted like he had some kind of authority over the strange place.
“Hello, Joey,” The person said in a very menacing tone.
“Who are you?” Joey asked nervously.
“My name is Kanye West,” The man said, “And Imma let you finish, but Mr. [redacted]'s writing 12 block B is the best writing class of all time!” Joey heard a crowd cheering (As well as some booing from the other writing classes). A curtain rose and Joey saw that he was on a stage in a theater. But that wasn’t a big deal until Joey realized that he was at the Grammys
“Do you want to be a part of my new album ‘My Beautiful, Dark, Twisted Fantasy?” Kanye asked Joey. The crowd started cheering, and Kanye’s voice was so demanding, that there was only one option.
“Yes,” Joey replied feebly.
“Good!” Kanye exclaimed, “Now, let the show commence!”
Lights began to dim, except for one spotlight that focussed on Joey, shining right into his eyes. Then once the crowd was quiet, some flashing, colourful lights danced all around the theater.
“Ready?” Kanye asked excitedly. The crowd began to cheer, but Joey couldn’t answer because Kanye’s assistants; a bunch of girls wearing polkadot bikinis came over and began to tape Joey’s mouth shut. With the flashing lights blinding him, Joey only had his ears to rely on. From behind him, he heard the rattling of a chainsaw. It took three tries for the chainsaw to start.
Once it was started, the crowd screamed “3….2…1!”
Joey saw Kanye walk up to him with the chainsaw and began to panic. He was about to be hacked to pieces by Kanye and there was nothing he could do. Out of the many people in the huge theatre, none of them were willing to help. So Joey had no choice, but to lie back and accept his fate.
The blade of the chainsaw was inches away from Joey’s neck when suddenly, it was pushed away.
“Not so fast Kanye!” Said a voice. Joey looked and instantly recognized his savior. It was Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance!
“Yo Gerard,” Kanye said, “Imma let you finish, but–”
 “I don’t care!” Gerard said. With one powerful movement, he pushed Kanye off the stage and everyone cheered. They cheered even harder when the rest of My Chemical Romance walked onto the stage. As they did, Gerard freed Joey from the steel bed.
“Thank’s Gerard!” Joey said, “You’re my hero! But I need to get home now.”
“Without a performance from us?” Gerard said, “I don’t think so! Hit it guys!”
The spotlights focussed on the band as they started playing Joey’s favourite song, ‘This is How I Disappear.’ Joey watched in awe as Gerard sang his heart out, and as Frank Iero and Ray Toro the two guitarists showed off their legendary skills. Joey looked over at Mikey Way, the bassist, who was jamming out and having the time of his life. As the last note of the song died out, the crowd began to cheer so loudly that Joey thought he would go deaf.
They were about to leave when Mikey picked up Kanye’s chainsaw. “Hey,” He said, “What’s this?”
“I’ll take that,” Gerard said. He got it started, then threw it off the stage at Kanye, who then got cut to pieces. Once Kanye was dead, Gerard took the microphone and said, “Well, there’s nothing to see here any more. You guys can go home now.” So everyone left. Including Joey.
The End.

perfection. lot's of people know this about me, but i very much dislike kanye, and i'm high-key low-key emo


one day pinkie was doing her daliy duty of protecting ponyville when she rembered she was supposed to go to the clouds to have a baby.

10/10 best part of the story

@Starfast group

Bumping this thread because my grandparents mailed me a story that I wrote waaaay back in 2003 (So I'm probably like 7-8 years old) and it's honestly so freaking funny. It's called "There is an Allagator in my bedroom."

This is the worst day I ever had! said Alison to her cat Lilia. Lilia and Alison both had magic-Powers., but no one knew exept them.

Suddenly Alison’s door flew open. It was her brother tommy.

Gess what! he said exitedly.

your getting a new girbel to replace the dead one?

noop he said. You’lle never geuss in amillion years. tommy said.

Hmmm, Alison said mom ran over a turtle.

No he said We’re Adopting the female allagotor from the zoo.

wow! she said. A FEMALE!? She asked exitedly.

No said tommy a female.

Thats extactly what I said Alison said.

Tommy really liked to bug Alison and his older sister Marissa. two days later the allagator arrived. She had long eyelashes and tommy made up a weird song that drove everyone crazy like usual. The song went like this:

Allagator, Allagator whoop! works every Time doo doo!

We decide to name her Ginger. then Marisa had a Idea we all had middle names so we gave ginger middle name we all agreed on ale so her full name was ginger ale.

But that was only on sunday. on monday we walked her to school. alot of people wer freeked out, others were amased, But they would haf to get used to it or they’d haf to change school.

on teusday it was the pet day contest. lisa my enimes had a wel groomed dog I had alagator. And I came first.

The next day I found Gingers Picture on the Pet day wall of fame on the way to the gym. I wish ginger wer here she would be so Proud of her self. For two weeks evry one was treating me like I was evry ones favourite movie star. eaven ms McWhite our teacher.

The next week me and ginger wer in the newspaper I got to bring it in for show-it-and-tell it our schools show and tell.

Ginger was some times Trouble other times ther wer times I could tresure. Like last week. Ginger had her first litter of gators UNDER MY BED!!!!!! But she is still worth keeping. I like to dress up ginger.

Suddenly my door flew open it was tommy.

gess what were adopting a monkey from the zoo! he said. The end!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This one could have been decent but I had to keep it to two pages.

Counting Shots
All across the landscape the sun was hot, and the dust was in the air.
From the top of his horse a lone man watched the sun begin its journey down the sky.
A boy rode up behind him on a mule, its legs stubling a bit from the long walk.
“Jem?” the boy asked, “Where’s we gonna stay the night?” Jem turned his horse around, “We’ll find a good place to kip in just a bit Albert, don’t you worry yer little head.” They rode along in silence for a while. “Jem?” the boy asked again, “What’s wrong with the place we was staying at before?” Jem looked ahead and sighed. “We done and ran out of all the money. They wasn’t gonna let us stay another night. So we had to skip and keep movin.”
“Jem?” the boy asked once more. Across Jem’s face there flashed an expression, part amusement, part annoyance, “All right.” he said, “One more question then shut yer hole.”
“Jem,” he began quickly, “is we gonna be all right?”
Jem looked back at him and smiled, “Of course, ya stupid little gopher.”
Albert smiled back, and contented, they rode the rest of the journey in silence.

They came to an inn and entered in. Inside, a woman gave them a sharp look.
Her eyes were hard. “Money?”
He shook his head. “We don’t have none. But I’ll be sure to give you yer money’s worth in work tomorrow.” She gave him a steely look. “No money no service.”
“Please ma’am,” he protested, “me and my brother just want a place for the night.”
She looked at Albert and she softened. “All right.’ she said, “One night. I’ll have you workin for me in the morning.” Jem tipped his hat, “Thanks ma’am I won’t disappoint. I’m a hard worker. You’ll see come sunrise.” She cut him off, “I don’t want none of your flowery talk. Git to bed and we’ll see what you can do tomorrow.” He dipped his head, “Of course ma’am.”
They crept up the stairs quietly so as not to awaken the other guests. As they approached their room the door in front of them crashed open. A man burst out of it. He had long wild hair and was wearing a long striped nightshirt. “New visitors aye!” he exploded. “Jones hasn’t had new visitors in a long time.” Jem stepped in front of Albert protectively. “Everyone leaves.” Jones said suddenly, “Are you going to leave soon?” “I don’t know.” Jem said honestly, “we probably will have to move on by tomorrow.” “All right.” Jones said sadly, “Have a good sleep, and watch out for Mad Max Remington.” “Mad Max Remington?” Albert said fearfully. “Oh yeah!” Jones said excitedly. “Max was a very nice lad once, or so we thought. One day we found him, his knife stabbed straight a man in the dead of night. He mysteriously escaped from prison many years ago. They say that one day he’ll come again, seeking revenge…” he stopped and slammed the door shut. “Well… goodnight.” Jem muttered. They went to bed, Albert turning nervously.
He was awoken in the dead of night by a rustling noise. In the moonlight he saw him.
He was a terrifying figure, with a black cowboy hat, wild hair and a handlebar moustache.
The E chord sounded in the distance. His moustache twitched. He rifled through Jem’s guns, slipping a pistol into his pocket. He must have heard something, because he glanced up, and a second later he had a hand clamped on Albert’s mouth. Albert struggled but was being slowly dragged out of the room. A shot rang out that just missed Remington. For indeed it was he.

Jem walked forwards slowly, holding out his Derringer he always kept in his boot “You gonna put the boy down, he said steadily, “or yer gonna get hur-” He was interrupted by the outlaw. “I know what yer up to!” he yelled. “But I know a thing or two as well! That’s a Deringer you fool, you’ve only got one shot! You’re through!” There was a loud bang as the gun fired and Remington collapsed, howling on the floor. Jem casually kicked the gun from his hand and continued calmly. “Not Deringer, Derringer. Two R’s, two bullets.”


argh I couldn't find any of mine but in fourth grade my best friend wrote this:

Once opon a time there were three super heroes. One of them was
named Elena, she had short blond hair, she also had black glasses. There was also Pam, she had brown hair, NO GLAsSES! Rachel had blond hair like Elena, but didn't have glasses! The thing that they all had in common was that they all had powers! Not many people had powers… In fact I don’t think anybody else has powers! They were the only ones!

Elena had invisibility powers so she could disappear so no one could see her she also had language powers. She could speak any language! Pam had nature powers, she could control nature! Rachel had wind powers, she could control the wind!

One day villains were going to destroy Portland, OR and they had to stop the villains! They started with the easy villain, all they had to do was create a distraction and then capture the villain!
“Rachel you go create a distraction and then we will capture the villain, okay?”said Elena.
“Okay!”shouted Rachel. Rachel had saved a donut from lunch,and thought that it would be a great distraction!
“Hey there, would you like a donut?”
The villain went for the donut and Elena and Pam captured the villain!

“YAY!”shouted Pam. But then another villain captured Pam and she was hurt!
“Pam are you okay?”
“NO! I hurt my leg,” said Pam.
“We should take you to a doctor!” said Rachel.
“Yeah!” said Elena.


“I’m sorry,” said the doctor, “but it looks like you broke a bone!You might not be able to walk for a month!”

                                        To be continued...

(I changed my friends' names slightly)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

asdfakdaksdksklaskdalsdkalskdlasdk i love it

Wow. The second half should have been at least twice as long. I actually never do western type, but it was abn assignment. I only know one western type book. I love it though. It's called Moccasin Trail.