forum Share your art
Started by @yeetus

people_alt 16 followers

Deleted user

Just a rule for everyone: Do not put your art up and say it's trash. It is not. It could be `the worst piece of art in the world just don't say it's trash. Period. You can improve, and saying that lowers your self-esteem.

Deleted user

I am the original Winter, you can tell because that changeling has two '@' symbols in their username


I have a small comic I drew
It's not my best work, but I'm quite fond of it
(Also sorry it's sideways but it reads from top to bottom)

@HighPockets group

I came for the arts and I am pleased. Very nice, all of you. Y'all are lucky I can't upload my drawing because I don't know how and I'm too hecking lazy to google it…..I can't draw to save my life. The one good thing I drew was a tiny, chibi-ish drawing of Julie at the climax of Code Name Verity that I made for school. Her arms are tied back and she's on her knees, but looks defiant as she yells "Kiss me, Hardy! Kiss me quick!" I love that book lol!!