forum Sentence by Sentence Story
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Mercury Beta Tester

He was in a dark and dank tunnel that was very cold and dimly lit by a torch even though the entrance was behind him and he could feel the last warmth of the sun's rays hitting his back.

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"Second thoughts are for the weak and people who have Facebook accounts," his mother had always said, so he took a deep breath, and continued forward into the dark.


As he stepped forward he noticed that the tunnel had a distinct smell, one that made him gag as he kept his cautious pace.


It couldn't have been, as she had passed away before she even knew that this place existed.

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He wiped away a tear—that god-awful smell and always made his tear up as badly as if he were cutting onions and inch away from his face.

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Just then, there was a deep rumble, and the very air around him seemed to ripple.