forum Sentence by Sentence Story
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Mercury Beta Tester

The dragon remembered from a few months ago, when it had been flying over a nearby town, the people were building a giant horn in the shape of its head.

@Mercury Beta Tester

The noise was coming from the direction the dragon had been heading towards, the West, so he flapped his mighty wings and turned to look East.

@Mercury Beta Tester

There had been many rumours about it, like if it an ancient being, a collection of gems, a sacred book, or if there was actually anything there at all.

@Mercury Beta Tester

There was one entrance into the mountain with the treasure apparently being hidden in a long winding series of catacombs, and a young adventurer was standing at that entrance right now.

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They wondered what would be down there, and if they should follow where it leads.

@Mercury Beta Tester

He had travelled for almost one whole month to get here and the only supplies he had were food, the clothes on his own back, and a map of the catacombs his grandmother had given him

@Mercury Beta Tester

But it was too late to worry about that or go back now, so he took a deep breath and became the first person, in what must be a hundred years, to enter the catacombs.