forum School
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group

School is starting soon or already started.

So how are you doing in it so far?
What classes do you hate?
Which classes do you love?
Are doing good in school?

or just in general, how are you?

@Rvan group

I got this really weird class called child development (which I didn’t even sign up for/knew it existed) which makes you carry around a baby and wear nursing scrubs and I frankly just feel uncomfortable by that. I asked to switch classes but haven’t heard back yet…

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School?…just no please. 😢😢😭😭😭
I don't want to go!

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College starts Monday and school has already stared for me 😢😢

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school just keeps starting earlier and earlier

Its the Illuminati!! 👽👽👽

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my bro doesn't start till September and I'm like why?


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school just keeps starting earlier and earlier

Its the Illuminati!! 👽👽👽

👽👽👽 = Tae

👽👽👽=What I look like in the morning


I'm starting the Wednesday after labor day.
Also I don't have a schedule yet.
I am worried and stressed and anxious.