forum Rp Rants
Started by @Dinner

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Ah ye, ive dealt with dying rps too ;;
I had a pretty decent one with a fairy and a god but it kinda died after an rper got sick.
Now im not sure if i should reboot that one or attempt a new one in order to get used to a certain character of mine (hes a mute demon who learns to feel emotions)


Ah ye, ive dealt with dying rps too ;;
I had a pretty decent one with a fairy and a god but it kinda died after an rper got sick.
Now im not sure if i should reboot that one or attempt a new one in order to get used to a certain character of mine (hes a mute demon who learns to feel emotions)

I gotta say that I love that character idea and…….I'd be willing to do that RP with you if you want lol


Y'all, I've had my fair share of bad Rps and Rpers

I was in one Rp where I really liked the idea, but the Rper didnt use a lot of grammar and didnt use punctuation all the time so it got real annoying real fast so I just…ignored it

A one on one I was in had an amazing plot and the Rper was really good too but they didnt leave a lot of openings for me and I didnt k ow what to do so I stopped responding after they bumped it a couple times

Another Rper I've known for a decently long time but i dont like Rping with them a lot. They have a lot of interesting ideas and cool story lines but she doesnt share them and if i choose to do something that she doesnt necessarily like, she ignores it and re-writes that situation from her character's point of view

One Rp I started when I first joined was going really well but then suddenly it died. I rebooted it but it died again. It got a private reboot again but again it died. I told the Rpers in there I wouldn't want to Rp with them if they kept going away after making plans to co lntinue outside of notebook and they got offended

And this is just the tip of the iceberg

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Yeah people suck. Again if I HAPPEN to be any of these people, I'm sorry. I don't think i've rped with stark tho but I try to be good I just struggle with letting them die mostly, without meaning too! Just make sure to bump it, i'll make it alive!

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hi I have a lot of problems.

Currently I only have a few private PMs because most of the newer RPers on this site are incredibly sub-par. I do stalk a few, and these guys are still using asterisks for actions. It’s… honestly sort of pathetic. I can’t say I didn’t start there but it’s obvious this site is beyond that. I’m the most annoyed RPer in the world so I’ll be back with more.

@Becfromthedead group

Also I really hate when people try to make the RP about their character. If the RP's creator's character is clearly supposed to be the antagonist, but everyone works together to move the story forwards, that's fine. But I've seen characters who are outright attention-seeking. "Oh no, I left because I'm mad even though no one did anything! Drop everything you're doing and come find me and make me feel better! Also there was this one RPer (going on 2 years ago, also they left the site a while back so I feel like I can say this) who had a character who passed out in basically every other scene, would randomly start bleeding, and basically anything to get said character attention and it was an absolute nightmare. Which was a shame because the rest of the RPers were fabulous and had a fun dynamic.

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Look here. Just because I offered it, a roleplay to me is two peoples work. I simply started it but together we are going towards the finish. So I think it's always good that both parties have a say in everything, from the starter, to asking questions about plot line and if certain things or going certain ways with the story is okay. If I didn't want a together effort I would've simply written it myself.

I just sassed someones pants off cause I asked them "Any ideas on how to start" and they go "It's your roleplay." Like okay. and?

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Yeah it’s your RP tho

Whenever I make an RP I always start it. I guess it’s like, being polite?

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Hm. I don't see it that way. Usually I write the starter, but I needed ideas for the starter.


Tbh whenever i start an rp it's a 50/50 chance i start
i usually have some ideas for various things, but i lack a starter

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I usually try to have a starter before I start

It's how I was taught by other RPers, who I guess learned that way to have a starter before then

I've done it for years so if I lack ideas for a starter or the rp itself i usually dont start a RP….even if i really want to RP. Ah, the pain of wanting to RP but having no ideas for anything

I also typically start the RP, but i usually always confirm to see if the other person is okay or if they want to start. it's a rarity, but sometimes the other person starts.

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I have a list of starters on a google doc, but I also will just start one. I find it almost better if both parties are super involved in the story line, pushing it one way and another. It definitely seems to run longer and better, and not run dry since it's two people working together, instead of one leading, and the other following. You toss control back and forth, and so you get wonderful ideas. I never mind starting.


My brother recently started RPing, and i hav to say it's kinda cringe, since he's in the "Oh? What are u doing?" - frowns - zone
Rp is more like writing a book with two ppl, not casual convo ;;;;

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Yeah that is true. Hey guys I'm gonna start up a crackhead group rp so feel free to join btw.