forum rolegay babes - at request of mark (private)
Started by @ImNotCrazyImAFangirl

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@Mark_Is_Male group

Sorry, I don't get outta school until four, and my bus ride home is like 50000000000000000 hours long.

I might not be on during the week that much?? Mostly because I have Ocean Bowl on Wednesdays, guitar on Thursdays, and my friend is trying to drag me to the GSA meeting, and also before guitar on Thursdays I have an FFA meeting.

Oh, remember my ex-partner Alex?? Yeah, well they are now in a long distance relationship with my bf and I, so that's nice. :)

@Mark_Is_Male group

Hello my friends, I have an announcement to make!

I think I might go by They/Them He/Him? I have no idea yet tbh, I have lots of thinking to do this weekend, but I was at GSA today, and uh, I had the best conversation, and it got me thinking about how I thought I was fine with my gender identity, but uh, I guess not??

(Sorry this is so long, I don't exactly have people to talk to )

We went around and gave our names and pronouns, and I am in a new school this year, so only my bf Garrett and my friend Ty knew ( They applied for the school as well ), so I came out to the club as transgender?

I was actually in tears, because everybody was so kind.

All the people in the club are older than me, (Except for my friend Ryan and my friend Ty ) and I didn't expect them to like try and talk to us because we are so new to the school? I made a lot of new friends, I told them about you, and now they call me dad, and it makes me so happy? Like I just wish that my family could be like this? My dad is getting better, and my step-mom is fully supporting me now?? We apparently take a field trip to a pride-parade? We are making cookies, and we are dying them to make them look like the flags, and honestly I'm so excited.