forum rolegay babes - at request of mark (private)
Started by @ImNotCrazyImAFangirl

people_alt 6 followers


i mean sometimes it bothers him when he gets on the bus and the bus drivers like 'mate you're not a child' and they wont believe him when he says he's 15

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Lol I can think of a few people at my school who are hella young but look like they should be in college


for y'all americans sixth formers are people after they did their gcses in year 11, they either go to sixth form/college or get an internship


i found a twitter account called 'anti andy hurley' and its dedicated to hating the drummer in fall out boy andy hurley, one of the tweets says 'andy hurley goes in his garden, covers himself in dirt and pretends to be a carrot'

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I'm trying to get on discord right now but it's not opening agh