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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hello there! I am working hard at transferring some of my reference books onto Google Docs by hand. I'm doing this to make cross-referencing easier, faster, and cleaner. I wanted to share the titles with the intent to help other writers as well. I invite others to add onto this list.

The Everything Creative Writing Book Carol Whiteley

  • This book is a great source for information as it covers many topics from preparing to write, short stories, novels, books for prereaders, Nonfiction, poetry, and screenplays. Carol even gives us information on things that all writers should know: organizing; drafting; editing. She also provides tips for dealing with writer's block, working with others, and of course, getting published. The author also incudes interviews that may hold some helpful insights.

The Writer's Guide to Character Traits Linda N. Edelstein, Ph.D

  • This was published in 1999, so there is information that is outdated by today's standards. However one can think of this book a bucket with holes in the side of it; water leaks out of it, but some stays in. This is to say that while there is outdated information (chapters 4-6), there is also information that, in my opinion, still holds up (parts of chapter 3).

Writing Fiction for Dummies Randy Ingermanson and Peter Economy

  • Like any other "For Dummies" book, Writing Fiction for Dummies covers an assortment of topics and categories. There are exercises, tips, and of course a ton of information pertaining to creative writing. They help you find and identify what they call your "creative pardigm", which is the way in which you write the best. The book gives the basics, such as writing and planning your first draft, creating characters, and editing and revising. The authors also provide information on genres, writing for certain audiences, and how to get published and the things need to do so.