Started by Deleted user

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There might be a possibility that you're polyamorous if you feel you like both of them? I mean, that's for you to discover for yourself but that may be a possibility you could consider? Whatever you find out, I suggest you talk with your girlfriend about it (if you're at the point of being super open like that with each other and if you think that's a good idea).

Deleted user

I'm about to snap…. my life is trash… and i need to rant.
My mom is such a control freak…. cant even chose my friends, cant chose my career choice, she wants to invade my writing, wants to know every little thing that goes on inside my head, wants to know why im so antisocial, wants to know why im so lazy, she doesnt trust me to do anything on my own, if i act slightly pissed she explodes on me, she yells at me for covering my body up, yells at me for putting a god damn blanket over my head when im cold, i get dirty rags full of soap shoved down my throat when i say anything that's slightly a curse, i cant go outside without getting yelled at. I've had enough, im getting pretty fucking close to snapping or just bolting.

Deleted user

I think the best thing you can do right now is talking to her about it. If she raises a hand or has another fit, I suggest you talk to someone you trust, like a teacher at a school.

Deleted user

You've got a point. There's a high chance that she might just not let Connie out of sight if Connie speaks up.


From what I hear, letting her know would just make things worse. She'd probably yell at you for being ungrateful and whatnot. I don't really know what to tell ya, because honestly I think you have to find an escape. Whether that be music, books, nature, writing… but don't be afraid to tell your friends. They'll always be there for you.

Deleted user

There’s another thing. Most of us here are kids, and we can’t really help you because 1) we don’t know how to help
2) because we live in different places.
I honestly hope you can escape that place because it sounds like hell.


Although I'm sure if we tried giving our collective intelligence, experience, logical ability, and reasoning, we could all definitely make an impact in your problems, so, as we've said, if you need anything, don't you dare hold out on us. We'll try our best to make sure that you're okay no matter what.

And I think we could do it.

Thanks for your ever so valuable time!

Deleted user

We will, there’s no doubt about it, but I am worried that we might give the wrong advice and it ends up with Connie getting hurt.
Of course, like Shuri said, don’t ever hold back on us. We’ll always be here for you to lend an ear to all of your problems, and to ease your worries.


Yeah that's fair, but sometimes if you want to help somebody, you don't have to give them advice… Sometimes all you got to do is just sit down, and just empathize with them. But of course, when in the situation you've been in or encountered before, that you know how to handle, it is okay to give them advice especially if you wish to help them to avoid the mistakes you made in such a situation, otherwise, just emphasize, and feel for them… Support them… Love them… And try to make it all better that way…

Deleted user

It isn't that serious guys, you don't have to help me. I'm just being ungrateful.

Deleted user

It isn't that serious guys, you don't have to help me. I'm just being ungrateful.

Well that's too damn bad… Because you're a good person and I'm gonna help you anyway!

But it's not serious……. I already have a person to go to when im able to move out….

Deleted user

It isn't that serious guys, you don't have to help me. I'm just being ungrateful.

I don’t think you’re being ungrateful. Whilst parents should keep track of what their kids are getting themselves into, it doesn’t mean that they should restrict their every movement and suffocate them. I hope you’re able to move out with that person you mentioned soon. I’m sure when you’re gone, your parents will realize their mistake. Usually that’s what happens when kids move out of harsh family environments.