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Deleted user

There’s this guy and I think he likes me but I don’t like him back and I don’t know what to do. Last time a guy said he liked me I didn’t know what to do and ended up dating him for a while. I don’t want to go through that again but I also don’t want to hurt this guy’s feelings. I’m really stuck on this right now and don’t know what to do.

I think what you should do is tell him honestly. In this type of situation, it's nice to think about others, but it's you who matters more. Don't be rude, but be honest.

Deleted user

Throughout my entire life, I've never been close to my parents. They consistently pushed me and told me I was never enough. This eventually led to me spiraling into depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. In middle school, I met more friends, like me. They made me laugh, made me happy, helped me through times I thought I'd never get out. They also struggled with depression, anti-socialness, among others. I honestly thought I was getting better. I spend a lot of time on my phone, texting them makes me happy - they've been there for me and always will. But many of them are bi, or gay, or other sexualities. I made the mistake of telling my parents one of my friends was bi. They judged her without even meeting her, told me all of my friends were trash. Convincing my parents for one sleepover was the hardest thing on the planet. My mom actually hated me hanging out with her, and it got so far that today she tried telling me that one of my friends is terrible. It went so far that she claims my friend went to the principal's office when I know for fact she didn't. My mom doesn't want me texting them, talking to them, hanging out. My birthday celebration is coming up, and I'm not even sure if they'll be allowed to attend. I don't know what to do. I honestly despise my parents, but I can't do anything and I'm afraid I have to live through so much without my friends by my side. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm strong enough to live years more under my parents.

Some parents don't deserve to be called parents. Unless your friends are terrible, they've got no right to tell you to stop talking to them. In the end, it's your choice. But please don't do anything that would endanger your life. I don't want to give false advice, but I think you should clearly tell your parents what they've made you feel. Sometimes that's the best thing to do. If they throw a tantrum, then that's on them. I've despised parents like yours, so I sincerely hope you get out of that hellhole and spend the rest of your life surrounded by the friends who hold you dear.


Thank you… you guys are so nice. I tried telling them once about my anxiety, and they told me it was normal and that I was fine. She didn't even make a point to try to understand. In her eyes, it was just me being a dramatic teenager. Then she got ahold of a suicide letter I wrote and had stashed away. When she got it, she told me that if I ever killed myself, she would kill herself. I guess it's good to know, but she made no other effort to be kinder, stop yelling at me… she promised to be nicer. She promised to be a better parent, and then that very day she returned to her usual, screaming self. I don't dare to tell them I still have depression - if I did she'd just think I was an egotistical girl who thought I had the worst life and that the world should revolve around me. I don't want them to know how broken I am, because of them. I just want it all to end. Your kind words really do help, but for now I'm not ready to open up to them.


I'm sorry you hsve to live this life… And I promise to try to do everything I can to lighten the load… We love and support you… And we wish you the best… Sometimes people are just assholes… Be the bigger, better person…


Throughout my entire life, I've never been close to my parents. They consistently pushed me and told me I was never enough. This eventually led to me spiraling into depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. In middle school, I met more friends, like me. They made me laugh, made me happy, helped me through times I thought I'd never get out. They also struggled with depression, anti-socialness, among others. I honestly thought I was getting better. I spend a lot of time on my phone, texting them makes me happy - they've been there for me and always will. But many of them are bi, or gay, or other sexualities. I made the mistake of telling my parents one of my friends was bi. They judged her without even meeting her, told me all of my friends were trash. Convincing my parents for one sleepover was the hardest thing on the planet. My mom actually hated me hanging out with her, and it got so far that today she tried telling me that one of my friends is terrible. It went so far that she claims my friend went to the principals office when I know for fact she didn't. My mom doesn't want me texting them, talking to them, hanging out. My birthday celebration is coming up, and I'm not even sure if they'll be allowed to attend. I don't know what to do. I honestly despise my parents, but I can't do anything and I'm afraid I have to live through so much without my friends by my side. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm strong enough to live years more under my parents.

Are you me?

Deleted user

Thank you… you guys are so nice. I tried telling them once about my anxiety, and they told me it was normal and that I was fine. She didn't even make a point to try to understand. In her eyes, it was just me being a dramatic teenager. Then she got ahold of a suicide letter I wrote and had stashed away. When she got it, she told me that if I ever killed myself, she would kill herself. I guess it's good to know, but she made no other effort to be kinder, stop yelling at me… she promised to be nicer. She promised to be a better parent, and then that very day she returned to her usual, screaming self. I don't dare to tell them I still have depression - if I did she'd just think I was an egotistical girl who thought I had the worst life and that the world should revolve around me. I don't want them to know how broken I am, because of them. I just want it all to end. Your kind words really do help, but for now I'm not ready to open up to them.



I’m having a crisis and need advice.

Okay so story:
I have a really good friend that I met this yeah called Aidan. We were/are really close friends and we both care about each other a lot. During the middle of the year he went though a hard time and so did I (and still am) and we weren’t allowed to talk to each other for a while. Anyway after that we were still close and blah blah blah. Aidan has always had girl trouble and I’m always been his fall back for whenever he goes through a break up but anyway!
I ended up getting a girlfriend and Aidan seemed to become distant and in more recent months became even more distant when he got himself a girl too. Aidan doesn’t text me anymore (barely) or talk to me because I’m hanging with other people or he is with his gf. I’ve been going through all. Really tough time these past weeks and I have just been told the my mum got a text from Aidan’s mum saying:
Aidan has been really worried about Carys recently and wanted to know if she wasn’t okay or something like that. Aidan could have text me at anytime but he hasn’t.
Anyway I don’t really know what’s going on. In the past week I have been told by multiple people that they ship me and Aidan together and thy have been for a while (including my mum) Two of my other friends have told me that they think that Aidan likes me as more then a friend but idk.
While all this is happening I’m question my sexulaity again about whether I’m bisexual or a lesbian and this is just confusing me more.

I’m so confused!!


I’m having a crisis and need advice.

Okay so story:
I have a really good friend that I met this yeah called Aidan. We were/are really close friends and we both care about each other a lot. During the middle of the year he went though a hard time and so did I (and still am) and we weren’t allowed to talk to each other for a while. Anyway after that we were still close and blah blah blah. Aidan has always had girl trouble and I’m always been his fall back for whenever he goes through a break up but anyway!
I ended up getting a girlfriend and Aidan seemed to become distant and in more recent months became even more distant when he got himself a girl too. Aidan doesn’t text me anymore (barely) or talk to me because I’m hanging with other people or he is with his gf. I’ve been going through all. Really tough time these past weeks and I have just been told the my mum got a text from Aidan’s mum saying:
Aidan has been really worried about Carys recently and wanted to know if she wasn’t okay or something like that. Aidan could have text me at anytime but he hasn’t.
Anyway I don’t really know what’s going on. In the past week I have been told by multiple people that they ship me and Aidan together and thy have been for a while (including my mum) Two of my other friends have told me that they think that Aidan likes me as more then a friend but idk.
While all this is happening I’m question my sexulaity again about whether I’m bisexual or a lesbian and this is just confusing me more.

I’m so confused!!

Oh. That's strange…

Deleted user

Thank you… you guys are so nice. I tried telling them once about my anxiety, and they told me it was normal and that I was fine. She didn't even make a point to try to understand. In her eyes, it was just me being a dramatic teenager. Then she got ahold of a suicide letter I wrote and had stashed away. When she got it, she told me that if I ever killed myself, she would kill herself. I guess it's good to know, but she made no other effort to be kinder, stop yelling at me… she promised to be nicer. She promised to be a better parent, and then that very day she returned to her usual, screaming self. I don't dare to tell them I still have depression - if I did she'd just think I was an egotistical girl who thought I had the worst life and that the world should revolve around me. I don't want them to know how broken I am, because of them. I just want it all to end. Your kind words really do help, but for now I'm not ready to open up to them.

Some people like to think psychological issues are not even that important. I'm not telling you to open up to them, but I do think you should tell them what sort of parents they are. However, I also think it would cause more problems for you. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Just remember that your problems aren't less than anyone's and that they matter as well. If you ever need someone, I'll always be here to listen.

Deleted user

I’m having a crisis and need advice.

Okay so story:
I have a really good friend that I met this yeah called Aidan. We were/are really close friends and we both care about each other a lot. During the middle of the year he went though a hard time and so did I (and still am) and we weren’t allowed to talk to each other for a while. Anyway after that we were still close and blah blah blah. Aidan has always had girl trouble and I’m always been his fall back for whenever he goes through a break up but anyway!
I ended up getting a girlfriend and Aidan seemed to become distant and in more recent months became even more distant when he got himself a girl too. Aidan doesn’t text me anymore (barely) or talk to me because I’m hanging with other people or he is with his gf. I’ve been going through all. Really tough time these past weeks and I have just been told the my mum got a text from Aidan’s mum saying:
Aidan has been really worried about Carys recently and wanted to know if she wasn’t okay or something like that. Aidan could have text me at anytime but he hasn’t.
Anyway I don’t really know what’s going on. In the past week I have been told by multiple people that they ship me and Aidan together and thy have been for a while (including my mum) Two of my other friends have told me that they think that Aidan likes me as more then a friend but idk.
While all this is happening I’m question my sexulaity again about whether I’m bisexual or a lesbian and this is just confusing me more.

I’m so confused!!

I think it depends on your train of thoughts. Do you like Aidan? Do you like your current girlfriend? How do you feel around boys? Is it different from female interactions, or is it normal? I think you should consider how the opposite gender makes you feel, as well as what the same gender makes you feel. I'm straight, so I can't be of more help.


Me either, but I think I've got more understanding of this than most straight dudes. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure you're not a dude, so I'mma wing it.

I guess just consider your instincts when you're around men, or women, how does each make you react. Consider your emotions as well. You never know… Sexuality is a spectrum.

Deleted user

@Carrots also, don’t be afraid to be honest if he confesses. If you don’t like him, then you don’t. There’s no need to sugarcoat it because he’ll think he still has a chance.


Eh, I've been really busy this weekend so haven't put to put thought into everything but… I don't know if I can make a decision because I think I like them both? I'm not sure…

Deleted user

ooooooooooOooooooOoOoooOoh I smell drAMA
I don't have any advice for that I really don't…sorry!