forum Random thoughts you have from time-to-time.
Started by @jantz

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I don't know if something like has been made or not so I took it upon myself to make it. If you have have a weird thought or realization then you could put it here and see what other people think of it.

  • only 1 rule, don't be an asshole and just have fun

@Anemone eco

(Ooo, I like this. Here's a stupid one I had while reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells)

'Aren't we always time traveling? Because time travel is traveling through time and time doesn't stop…'


I just think it's wild how Tom Holland always manages to have the same facial expression as George Washington in a lot of his pictures.

See here's Tom Holland's weird frog-mouth face thing

And Georgie??

Same face, no?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Here I am, following this, and reflecting that the reason is to occupy my time so I do not succumb to the horror of numbing nothingness. So I try to fill my life. "Here among my trappings and belongings, I belong." I suppose.


There's no way for us to prove the past happened,,,
and since just about every form of history has been altered at least slightly, then wouldn't it be considered fan-fiction?

Deleted user

Underneath the sweltering heat that is the overbearing fear of life and death together, yoga somehow helps.

Deleted user

There's no way for us to prove the past happened,,,
and since just about every form of history has been altered at least slightly, then wouldn't it be considered fan-fiction?

I also think about this pretty often. Especially when people remember something I don’t, and it’s like, “So you know more about me than I know?”


The passing of time is just a concept created by man, therefore, the past and future do not exist. We are all living in an infinitely small instant.
Also, therefore, all of the past actions you've done no longer exist so in technicality you never did them. I never typed this, it has always been typed…

@HighPockets group

Why is math the way it is? Like, why is two plus two equal to four? Because someone assigned meanings to numbers a long time ago? Why do we believe that different theorums work?


My cat has learned to open my bedroom door from the inside and now I'm starting to wonder what cats will be able to do in 100 years


Why is math the way it is? Like, why is two plus two equal to four? Because someone assigned meanings to numbers a long time ago? Why do we believe that different theorums work?

Numbers are concepts as are letters. They're just symbols representing quantities that, when added together in a specific order, resemble even larger quantities.


There is no right or wrong when it comes to the concept of quantities. Make your own numerical system lol
I don't agree with the English alphabet or its rules so I made my own version of the English alphabet that, in my mind, was accurate.


if jesus was a virgin birth then he wouldn't have a y chromosome so theoretically he should be a girl
i promise i'm not trying to offend anyone if one of y'all are religious it's just a thought i had


Moving time zones is essentially just permanent time travel. If you move from the east coast to the west coast, you've crossed three time zones permanently and you've either gained or lost three (ish) hours forever.


If I time travel a whole day in the past permanently, would my birthday be a day earlier since I'm technically a day older??


fair point

But it's not a point. Just a casual statement of belief. A point would be an argument or an idea based in understandable fact.

yeah that's true