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Fact: cats don't have collarbones, which is why they can squeeze through such tight spaces.

Also fact!!! They have kindeys that csn filter out salt-water. And show their ass to you if they trust you.


Random fact: Some can argue time doesn't exist. Following the physics(Yes this is a real thing in physics) in which there is no time and is instead a series of separately existing Nows linked together. The cat that jumped off the table is not the same that landed, rather two Nows linked to together to make it appear there is time when it does not exist. After all the only proof of the past is our memory and the Nows that put fossils in the ground. It discards the question "What is time?" by answering that there in no such thing as time.

I like looking up odd things and have been told I have a knack for making friends question reality. Now I can finally use my random knowledge on time I haven't told them yet. :D

@Darkblossom group

Fun fact you may or may not know: Elephants brains react to human faces the same way human brains react to puppies. Basically, elephants think humans are cute.
(Side note: small chance this is not true)


Did you also know, that with all the human poachers going around and hunting them for their Ivory tusks, they have become far less sensitive and far more callous. They no longer cover their dead with branches, and are becoming more hostile.


Magpies are the only bird that seemed to have passed the Mirror Test for animal consciousness. Ants have also passed this test as the only insect.


Magpies are the only bird that seemed to have passed the Mirror Test for animal consciousnesses. Ants have also passed this test as the only insect.

Did you guys know that dogs have a favorite musical preference?

The average dog finds enjoyment in reggae for aome reason. And dogs can understand 40-60 words.