forum R.I.P my ego 2
Started by @Paperok

people_alt 6 followers


When you write a chapter up, you are confident, this chapter looks so nice! you toss that baby into grammarly and see


I take the advantage of having two professional writers (newspaper and pharmaceutical regulatory) as parents, as well as an ex-English teacher for a grandmother. This endows me with the writin' skills of a B-grade god.


If it makes you feel any better, most spell/grammar checkers aren't tuned to distinguish stylistic choices from actual mistakes. For example, Microsoft Word will constantly suggest that any adverb that I use should be replaced with "very" almost universally. While it's understood that adverbs and adjectives shouldn't be abused, there are instances where I like to use them, and many word processors just can't handle that. So all in all, don't feel too bad. While it generally is a good idea to listen to editors, whether automatic or human, there will be some cases where it all just come down to a style dispute, and I'm here to tell you that if you chose it deliberately to hence your story, you are allowed to stick to your guns.