forum Questions
Started by @Mojack group

people_alt 61 followers

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Probably the antagonist.

If you could literally bring a character to life, who would it be?

Only one?


I don't wanna choooose
Law, he's baby
But there's Luffy, too

I'd have to go with Law, ngl
I'm sorry to everyone else

@Pickles group

Henry Clerval because I am a simp and I love him dearly

It's fully acceptable to simp for Henry Clerval.

Of course it is

@Kie group

Bringing this back…

If you were in a horror movie, what role would you play?

Probably the heroine who unfortunately survives because I just have that kind of luck.


If you were in a horror movie, what role would you play?

The one with actual common sense that unfairly gets killed off early on since I'm the only one holding the brain cell of the group


Bringing this back…

If you were in a horror movie, what role would you play?

the cryptic old dude who warns everyone before the juicy stuff even starts that gets killed off first