forum Questions
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Discussion where I try to make a question a day for people to discuss or answer. Topics may be serious or just relaxed. Might not stick with the schedule, might just be ‘whenever I feel like it’

Feel free to answer (or not.) I will most likely be answering some of my own questions.

@Mojack group

If you could have the abilities of any animal on Earth (only one) which animal would you choose and why? The animal can be microscopic or as big as you want. Basically anything that’s alive.

For me, I want to choose either an ant or a Tardigrade.
Mojack, why an Ant?? They’re so small and annoying!
Yeah, but some ants can lift 5,000 times their own body weight…see where I’m going with this? Let’s just say for example that I choose a species of ant that (American Field Ant) can lift that much. For an ant compared to a human, 5,000 may not seem like that much.
But I myself weigh around 130lbs. 130 x 5000 = 650000.
That means I can lift 650000lbs, if I chose that species of ant.
Tossing tanks like cardboard boxes, here I come.

My second choice is the Tardigrade.
You don’t even have to read very far into the Wikipedia page to know why.


Personally, mine would probably be the musculoskeletal control that cats have.
I mean, dude, could you imagine having a bite force that strong and being able to balance that well?

@Mojack group


If you could choose to instantly know the truth of any mystery ever, which mystery would you choose?

Personally, I’d choose Dyatlov Pass. The details just seem…all over the place. Four people were intoxicated before death and at least a few of the people had higher levels of radiation. And then there was the tent being torn open from the inside, and the fact that the people walked calmly down the mountain, instead of running. I’d really like to know what happened to the nine people, and if it was natural or maybe a coverup of some type.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

The victims of Jack the Ripper. I really want to know who they are.

The ones that weren't confirmed/attributed to him/her/etc. Fun fact: if you map the locations of the ones that are attributed to Jack the Ripper they form a pentagram!

@Kie group


If you could choose to instantly know the truth of any mystery ever, which mystery would you choose?

Personally, I’d choose Dyatlov Pass. The details just seem…all over the place. Four people were intoxicated before death and at least a few of the people had higher levels of radiation. And then there was the tent being torn open from the inside, and the fact that the people walked calmly down the mountain, instead of running. I’d really like to know what happened to the nine people, and if it was natural or maybe a coverup of some type.

Dyatlov Pass is a good one! I'd want to know everything I could about the truth of the Jack the Ripper case seeing as it's played a big part in my love of true crime. Ash also stated they'd like to know the truth behind the Black Dahlia which would be cool as well.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


If you could choose to instantly know the truth of any mystery ever, which mystery would you choose?

Personally, I’d choose Dyatlov Pass. The details just seem…all over the place. Four people were intoxicated before death and at least a few of the people had higher levels of radiation. And then there was the tent being torn open from the inside, and the fact that the people walked calmly down the mountain, instead of running. I’d really like to know what happened to the nine people, and if it was natural or maybe a coverup of some type.

Dyatlov Pass is a good one! I'd want to know everything I could about the truth of the Jack the Ripper case seeing as it's played a big part in my love of true crime. Ash also stated they'd like to know the truth behind the Black Dahlia which would be cool as well.

The Axeman of New Orleans is interesting as well! Be cool to know who did that! There's also the Lizzie Borden case!


If you could choose to instantly know the truth of any mystery ever, which mystery would you choose?

I've always wanted to know who's behind the Highway of Tears murders, especially cause I've driven on it multiple times and to this day there's still people being kidnapped and killer there, so obviously its a little scary driving there.

@Kie group

If you could choose to instantly know the truth of any mystery ever, which mystery would you choose?

I've always wanted to know who's behind the Highway of Tears murders, especially cause I've driven on it multiple times and to this day there's still people being kidnapped and killer there, so obviously its a little scary driving there.

I've never heard of those murders, time to look them up!

@HighPockets group

Bringing this back…

If you were in a horror movie, what role would you play?

The friend who gets killed off for plot reasons because I would try to call someone for help.

@Pickles group

The one who has common sense and doesn't go directly towards the killer
Oh, wait
That doesn't exist!

But seriously, I'd probably be the killer

I mean same

@HighPockets group

As for the second question….none. I feel like that could majorly fuck up the fabric of the universe, you know? And most of my favorite characters are either from historical fiction books or sff books, and I wouldn't want to bring them into a modern world because it would be horrible trying to adjust. If I gun-to-the-head had to, I would choose Tori Spring from Solitaire, if only so I could drag her to a psychologist.