forum Question mark?
Started by @Oakie Dokie

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2 have hatched so far, ones in the middle of hatching. You can see Apollo, the one with the hole.

Deleted user

Do you have all their names ready!? You're going to be busy as a mother! XD

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They're hatching at my school because they had the right equipment. So if you see anyone that's why XD

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I was wondering who that girl was… I didn't know if it was you or not XD

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The one that sometimes walks into frame. I think she's cleaning.

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Ahh might be a janitor. The camera is kinda facing the door soooo

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Yeah, it was also kind of funny how some spray bottles suddenly appeared magically on that table behind the eggs. Cut frame.

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Who knows…maybe I go to Hogwarts. And it was real magic.

@Oakie Dokie

i used to own chickens, and their eggs were soooo much better than store-bought ones. they don't look different at all but they are so different on so many levels

Deleted user

My friend has some, and I get eggs from her. So I definitely agree.

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Omg Apollo is taking his sweet time coming out of his shell Jesus XD