forum Question mark?
Started by @Oakie Dokie

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Ayyyyyyyyy I got meh stitches out. (And yeah, that's completely random, and I just interrupted you guys, but I felt like saying it sooo)

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Deleted user

It's right where my knee bends too…so it's kinda painful

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Deleted user

Welp, since we're talking about stiches anyone wanna know about mine? I think they had to remove the stiches and glue the wound together though…………..I don't remember.

Deleted user

Ok so basically, this really annoying and mean girl slammed two of my finger in my/her locker REALLY hard. this happened in 1st grade. So like I didn't notice and she "apologized" to me. And then everyone starts screaming because there is now blood all over me and the nurse had to get me. She blamed it on my best friend at the time because apparently she was "Running" too fast making the locker slam on me. And then all I remember is the doctor giving me painful stitches and then like awhile later gluing the wound back together?

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Oh. Mine was stitched in one spot and glued in a different place.