forum Q&A About Yourself
Started by @Masterkey

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If you want to answer a few basic questions, I want to see what kind of people most writers on here are. Are we similar? Are we all very different?

Q: Are you goal-oriented or people-oriented?
Q: Are you best with learning hands-on, visual (including reading), or listening?
Q: Do you tend to zone out (or daydream) a lot, or are you fairly grounded most days?
Q: Do you like to relax or to be at work?
Q: Do you have very strong empathy, or difficulty connecting with the feelings of others?
Q: Do you prefer being talked to bluntly and to the point, or kindly and understandingly? How do you like to talk?
Q: Do you act differently at home versus in public? Do you act differently with different people?


  1. Depends.
  2. Depends.
  3. Depends.
  4. I'm relaxed, but that doesn't mean I'm lazy, I'll work whenever.
  5. I'm callous as hell, to be honest, but I can relate to people.
  6. Either way. If you're being blunt, don't be an asshole, if you're being sweet, don't sugarcoat it. I tend to be a steady medium, but I use lots of slang.
  7. Depends.


Huh, I didn't expect a lot of "depends" actually. There's nothing you lean toward most of the time? That last depends technically means "yes" though I think, since either you act the same everywhere or you don't.


What I mean is, I act pretty much however I want, where I want, when I want, with who I want, though my behaviour tends to stay the same, there are times when I'm different.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

  1. Probably goal-oriented, but Idk…
  2. Hands-on, for sure.
  3. I'm a dreamer! But I'm pretty well grounded, too.
  4. Relax, most days.
  5. Um… Both, I think. If that makes sense…
  6. Kindly and understandingly; same answer.
  7. Yes, and yes. I'm shy and quiet in public, and less so at home; I'm more outgoing with my friends.


Yeah I think both makes sense. The reason I asked is because while I thought I was really good at reading people for the longest time, I was pretty insensitive and hurt people's feelings a lot… Which I guess meant I had weak empathy.


A: I believe I am some form of medium leaning more towards goals. I strive to achieve my goals but I also desire that relationship, not particularly a romantic one; that Sam and Dean type of relationship,
A: hands on, no question.
A: I find it difficult to focus on one single thing, that's a reason why writing comes so difficult for me, my mind is constantly spouting all these random ideas and I can't stay straight on one story.
A: I see frustration and peace in both choices.
A: empathy has always been difficult for me, I have a tough time putting myself in others shoes.
A: I try to act understanding and polite but can sometimes come of rude due to the fact that I'm usually too distracted by literally everything else happening around me.
A: around people Iact containted and stiff. At home I relax a lot more but I'm still pretty contained.


  1. I’m more goal-oriented, but my goals usually have something to do with people.
  2. I’m best with visual learning.
  3. I always zone out. Even when I’m daydreaming, my mind will stray from that.
  4. Most of the time I like staying in bed, but my favorite thing is being productive while in bed. I mean creating stuff or drawing or online shopping.
  5. I’m really good at connecting with people, but I can’t seem to feel what they’re feeling or imagine what they’re thinking.
  6. I think I talk bluntly and kindly, and I prefer being talked to kindly. I do like destructive criticism over constructive, because I feel like people are being condescending with constructive criticism.
  7. I’m crazier at school than at home. When I’m in a group of people that I half know, I won’t talk, but if I’m at a sleepover with my friends, I am the most insane person you will ever meet and I won’t stop talking.

(@Paperok do I see some Supernatural references? 🤔)