forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

people_alt 178 followers



(Oh hey! You were in the first rp i ever joined on this site!)


(It died a little bit but @@generic_name copied it on to a doc to see if it worked as a story, which is pretty cool.)

(That's pretty cool to hear)

(Yeah. I'll stop bothering you now lol)

Deleted user

"Eat the floor and blame it on the dog."

kazoo kid voice "WhO ARe YOu?"

"My hubby! ;-;"

Deleted user

"W A L K E N"

"Wher is my supa suit??"

"Greater good? I am your wife! I am the greatest good your EVER gonna get."

Deleted user

"I'm religious! Kumbiyaaaaa my lord, kumbiyaaaaaaaaa!"


"Random is best dom."
"Yeah, better than walkdom and jogdom."

Deleted user

"Sneaky beano."


"Have fun ill be at your funeral."


"I told you im your impulse control…."

Deleted user


"Don't tell Maria."

"Wat Da Fuk"

Deleted user

"No beard this time. Well, a wife."


"tH 3 aNsW3r1Ng mAcH1n3 1S pR00f 0F tH3 sH1p 0KaY?"


"Shut up Melissa, nobody cares about your dog."


"Carrot juice is deadly!"


"Did I ask for your opinion?"

"Yes, you did, actually."
