forum Put inside jokes here. And then give context because everyone wants to know where it came from.
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Yup. Clean jokes only. Nothing sexual. So basically, if it's said in the public middle school system, don't post it. :)


My weeaboo friend Emily came over and jumpscared me. And my 3 yera old sister,. Now we say it. BC y not

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During a cringy and awkward af call on skype, @"Firebrand(fireson)" posted a picture on pinterest into the chat of a pile of dort and called it "Dort".
We now randomly say dort in conversations.

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He's my Awkward Avoidance Viking.

It's both a Studio C reference and also talking about how my brother always get me out of awkward situations. I called him that once and then it sort of stuck.

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Tomake Menfree
A history class I took years ago had art projects from other students pinned on the wall, one of which was a painting of a woman with the caption 'to make men free' above it. There was so little spacing between the words that it looked like it said 'Tomake Menfree'


What moisturizer do you use?
Friend replies with "Olay Regenerist"

We had to do a skit for etiqitte class in our homeschool thing and she was an old lady. After the skit, I said "You have really smooth skin 'grandma',what moisturizor do you use?" She replied with "Olay Regenerist". It's been an inside joke ever since.


I was the blue lion, Salty was the red lion, and Octane was the black lion in a Voltron RP we were doing. So when we were hanging out after school, Salty (for no reason) yelled FORM VOLTRON at us while we were RP-ing, so we ended up in an odd form with Octane sitting on me and Salty balancing awkwardly between two desks and Octane. All of us screaming FORM VOLTRON in unison.

We're lucking no one walked in on us lmao

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"I am the meme hacker!"
"Give me my memes back!"

During the fork cults first call with @Firebrand i had my webcam on and they noted how i looked like a hacker. Firebrand is a meme lord and i can't make good memes so i "stole" his memes.

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"Sup Nerd!"
i left my friends alone for a week with no contact, then just showed up and screamed "SUP NERDS"



Me and my cousin played with Barbies at her house (We're middle schoolers, but pfft screw stereotypes) and we had a scene where the dolls were shopping, and we made the sugar, wheat, and coffee diabetes, gluten, and caffiene,and Barbie said to Stacie "Imma stay here and get some fruit. Can you grab me some diabetes please?" and we told that story to the girls at camp.


In middle school, my basketball coach/math teacher (RIP) said one of my friends looked like a tropical pink skittle on clearance at walmart. So we called her that until we went to different high schools.

@HighPockets group

Hamilton Junior: my friends and I were uber bored one day so we started a Hamilton parody on Docs that rewrote the songs for and starring toddlers. It was weeiiird.

The Farmer Refuted Chair Fighting/"Here ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury and I-": My friend and I did Farmer Refuted for choir as a duet, and part of our choreography was for me to try to knock her off her chair and claim it, and then she'd push me off at the end.

Muppet Polonius/Irish Laertes: When we read Hamlet for school, we had to make sock puppets to act it out. My friend made a Polonius one and it looked like a muppetified version of the Polonius in the Kenneth Branaugh Hamlet. I made Laertes, and he had red hair. They ran out of good material so his only clothing was a plaid green kilt that fell off 99% of the time I used him.

The Schuyler Bros: My choir 2 years ago only had 3 guys in it, and they did a genderbent Schuyler Sisters with "Angelico, Elijah, and Patrick." Whenever the guy playing Patrick finished his line, we'd beatbox a sweet drum solo for them.

Chocolate milk in a sippy cup came from when my DI team and I were celebrating a win and one of the guys on it ordered chocolate milk. His milk was brought to him in a flimsy plastic cup and we made fun of it (and also him) for the rest of the night.


My friends repeatedly call me "Anne-ickuh" because my name is Annika (pronounced like Hannukah without the H) and they know that people prnounce it wrong. So they do it to annoy me.

Bookworm friend named Lily: Are you going to the picnic, ANNE-ICKUH?
Me: boi



It's an MHA thing. My friend loves it. So I'll say "Hi" and she'll say "It's fine now. Why? Because I AM HERE!"

(sorry I love this show so much I had to)


a friend: bird calls
me: literally screams

when I was like a sophomore in high school, I was reading this book at a football game (bc what else are you supposed to do lol? actually watch it? nah fam) and thIS dUdE SOlD hIS sOUL fOr tHE abILITY tO leARn bIRd CaLls
and I got really really upset because he sold his soul to the devil to learn how to mimic freaking bird calls WHO DOES THAT
so I had a minor fangirl breakdown in the bleachers
it was caught on video
my friend denisse has it somewhere



There's this girl about 9 who we drive to gymnastics with my sister. Once in the car home, she said, "There's target, they have beanie boos! Oh, they do too! Walmart, yeah let's go to target they have beanie boos!" because she's obsessed with these bug-eyed things. Sometimes I say that to my mom and she'll get so triggered.

Molly Breckman


anyway, I jinxed a friend and I didn't want her to talk so I called her tim. then I yelled at her to be quiet. that's really it, I mean I call her tim now? I call her tim now.

btw, her name is julia



It was an inside joke at camp one year. We all woke up at 6, and someone was like "It's 6 in the morning" and we made it like a TV show. It was FUN. I tell that to my AJ IRL friend all the time.


"Sir/ma'am, with all due respect…" followed by an insult.

Our band director was off on a tangent and telling us a story (as band directors do) and he joked that as long as you address someone respectfully, you can say basically whatever you want and they can't get mad.

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"Cogman at your service Ma'am."

@Firebrand became my butler, for some reason. So his butler form is Cogman and like i don't know… its interesting and funny…

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A jenna marbles refrence that my friend twisted into something utterly demonic.