forum Privet Chat pt. 2
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people_alt 58 followers

@Pickles group

I somehow managed to unfollow it so I had to go back and find it again. I wish there was more for me to read through, but alas, I had to content myself with a few meager posts


also uh
why is it that when people wanna have sex with children they claim to be "agefluid" and when people wanna have sex with animals they claim to be "otherkin". Like, what the fuck.

Deleted user

Validation for illegal activities

None of that shit would ever hold up in court

@Pickles group

don’t look it up
or do
it’s just typical pedos trying to force themselves into the lgbt community

those are my favorite tik toks. With the something something something you're a borderline sex offender and it's just queer people being like we don't want you pedophiles