forum prejudices against certain species
Started by @Smallfry

people_alt 15 followers


So just wondering what kind of prejudices happens in your worlds.
For example:
Nice demons are not trusted because they must be up to something
Ghosts / spirits are teased when they forget what era they live in


Thomas Spencer is juged as a weird guy (and sometimes, a liar) because of his ability to see dead person's spirits and talk to them.


humans don't like fairies (because of the whole magic thing) and no one likes half-fairies and most fairies don't like humans and no one likes the gods


Well, werewolves are viewed as significantly lesser by most species, because most of them can't control when they turn or what they do while they are wolf-ed out, were as other supernatural beings tend to have pretty good control over their abilities, or can with some effort.


magic users look down on non mages, and non mages mock magic users with memes, assuming that mages are Amish and never the the internet


cyborgs are assumed to be smart so when they don't know something people tease them and teachers / parents are disappointed or mad at them


One of the four types of magic users in the universe I've created are known as Manipulators based on their ability to enter the minds of others and change their thoughts. They're seen as untrustworthy, rebellious liars by pretty much everyone else in the world, meaning they have a lot of pressure to never mess up and use their power only for good means. I made two of my characters Manipulators so I could delve into this prejudice more.


cyborgs are assumed to be smart so when they don't know something people tease them and teachers / parents are disappointed or mad at them

@Smallfry I want to read your story xD I want to see a normal cyborg like "dude, I don't know everything you know?" with a bored face x)


My protagonist hates the Wolves(Kind of like werewolves but not quite, more like wolf shapeshifters who are very strong and skilled in fighting) and thinks all of them are evil, especially because he is one and thinks he is evil because of everything he has done.


My OC Rika is untrusted and banned from Earth because she can read minds and control them. She is presumed to be evil


I don't have species in my book, just races. Right now two countries have basically had horrible relations for awhile and it's mounting up to war, so even if you're an immigrated citizen, you'll be discriminated against because you look/sound different, like the enemy.


The half-human, half-animal creatures are considered lesser beings by the humans, with various levels of species-ism depending on the country.

Grace G.

Humans hate half-humans (centaurs, mermaids, etc.) because they are considered less-than and useless. Half-humans mock humans for lacking certain abilities.