forum Poll for RPers!
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people_alt 37 followers

Deleted user

Hi guys so I was thinking about changing my constant past writing style (things like didn't, did, -ed) to a present (is, am) style.

Sooooo here's the poll, lol!

Present or Past?

Deleted user

Past, it always makes things seem put together. Though I am guilty of mixing them sometimes.


i like writing in a past tense because it limits confusion (in my opinion). plus, it can sound kinda creepy sometimes if it's constantly "he is walking slowly to a place" versus "he walked slowly to a place". idk, it has a better ring to it, in my opinion, when things are written in the past tense.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

It depends on what you’re writjng, I think. Some things are better suited to past, while others are to present. I usually do past just because it’s easier to know who’s speaking and who’s POV it’s in, though.