forum Please Vote!!!
Started by @Becfromthedead group

people_alt 3 followers


sadly, there’s always going to be those types of people. There is nothing we can do about that. The smart people will see that these people are wrong and their views will be ignored

And are we just going to let it stay that way? We have to fight it. Even if we will be ignored, we can't just sit and let it happen. People are dying because of everyday racism, and the attitude of 'we'll just be ignored, we can't change it, it will always be this way' isn't helping to save any lives.


It’s almost time… Election Day is tomorrow!

I’m sending you this little reminder to get out to the polls tomorrow—and bring everyone you know, too. This may be the most critical election of our lifetimes, so make sure your voice is heard!

No matter where you live, every choice you make will help shape the community you live in, so please research all your candidates, propositions, and ballot initiatives TODAY. I know that sounds like a big job, but it’s actually pretty easy. Here are a couple of good resources to help you: Find your polling place and see a sample ballot Nonpartisan site to find your polling place and research every candidate and measure on your ballot. (You can even print out a copy of your sample ballot with your choices to take with you to make it easier when you’re in the voting booth.)
Remember, as long as you are in line before the polls close, they HAVE to let you vote. Don’t let them turn you away! And if for any reason they can’t find you on the register, ask for a provisional ballot: by law, they have to give you one. Don’t let anyone take away your right to vote! If you run into any trouble, call 866-OUR-VOTE ( and the nonpartisan staffers there can help you.

One more thing: You might have a friend, relative, or even a neighbor that needs a little help getting to the polls or figuring out what to do, so please check in with everyone you know and make sure they have what they need to cast their ballots tomorrow.

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty excited. The fate of the country rests in your capable hands (no pressure).

Make sure to let me know how it went by posting your "I Voted" sticker on social media and tag it #IVotedMisha!

Good luck. See you at the polls… and thank you!

Your patriotic friend,


(An email I got about half an hour ago)

Deleted user

we have congressional elections and a ton of local elections tomorrow in my state

Deleted user

my fellow Americans, this election will affect the country for generations to come. Choose wisely

@Becfromthedead group

Ughhh I’m so scared they’re not going to get my vote in time. I had to do an absentee ballot since I’m in college and away from home, so it’s just been a mess, and I thought I might not be able to vote. I mailed it in Friday. I hope they get it. I need my vote to be out there because of people like my family members. My mom and her parents literally tried to tell me who to vote for, so now I feel even more obligated for my real voice to be heard.

Deleted user

by law they are required to count all votes even if it delays the winners of the elections

@Becfromthedead group

I think absentee ballots may be slightly different. I believe it said, “must be received by 7 pm on 11/6” And it should be, but I’m still worried… It’s just very important to me, and idk, they just make the process so hard for people who can’t get to the polls. I didn’t even know about absentee ballots until my best friend told me, so it’s kind of strange that’s not a thing people are very informed about.

@Becfromthedead group

Yup, just as I suspected, they never got my ballot. And I'm furious. There's a website where you can track when everything is sent/received, and there's no received date for my ballot. I'm ready to knock something over.

@Becfromthedead group

There was also this thing in my state where they had to extend the polling times in some counties because there were some voter suppression shenanigans going on, and it really messed with the results up until the later polls closed, so I'm at the point where I don't trust my state's ability to make sure everyone's vote is counted.