forum Please Vote!!!
Started by @Becfromthedead group

people_alt 3 followers

@Becfromthedead group

I know a lot of this site is under voting age/not in the US, but if you are, and you can vote in the midterms tomorrow, please do! It's really important that your voice is heard and that you exercise your rights. There are too many young people that don't vote, and that's allowing the older generation to decide who's in the government, when we all deserve a chance to give input.
Also make sure that if you have local officials up for election or state/local issues, that you vote on those too. It may not be the kind of stuff you hear about in the news so often, but local government has more effects on your life than you realize, and probably even more than the national government does.

Deleted user

i’m definitely voting. And contrary to my lifelong beliefs, I might vote Democrat this time

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The least you can do is throw your support behind a certain candidate. That’s what I did before I turned 18………

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I strongly dislike most of the candidates from the modern Democratic Party. They are too far to the left. We need some good centrist candidates

Deleted user

what do you mean by "left" (sorry if this comes across as accusatory, just curious)

Deleted user

why I say they are too far to the left is because they are calling for socialized medicine and other things that don’t match with The values of informed every day Americans

Deleted user

by socialized medicine do you mean like, obamacare?
because I , for one, (again, not accusatory sorry) think that free or reduced medical aid is a very good thing

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Deleted user

I guess the reason there is the left versus right thing is because originally it was seen as right versus wrong. But now it’s about preserving the American way of life and keeping socialism from taking routes and destroying the country from within
and on the other side there’s the people who have the best of intentions but have no idea what they are doing

Deleted user

I dont disagree, but think racism and homophobia are tearing the country apart much more than socialism. but to each his own, I suppose.
I wouldn't want to clog this chat with a debate so …

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no. Obama care is a piece of legislation that was hastily put together and ultimately failed. Socialized medicine on the other hand would probably last for quite a long time but in this country would be very enaffective

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racism and homophobia our way overflated issues these days. Other races have the same rights we do and most people except the fact that homosexuals are what they are

Deleted user

racism and homophobia our way overflated issues these days. Other races have the same rights we do and most people except the fact that homosexuals are what they are

lmao. ok I said I wouldn't debate but,,.,,,,uhhh,,,, rights aren't all there is to it. There's also the stigma around people, that they're not good enough, too voilent, too docile, too weird. and that is not okay. racism is not over until its really over

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and concerning your comment about free or reduced medical aid, that will never work without having a bunch of unintended consequences

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sadly, there’s always going to be those types of people. There is nothing we can do about that. The smart people will see that these people are wrong and their views will be ignored

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and I legit don’t know anyone who thinks that people of other races are less than anyone else. Same with homosexuals