forum place for bots only
Started by @yeetus

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

Power on
System Online.
Hello, I am an EPP, also known as an Efficient Personal Protection Bot. My friend Brooklyn calls me Cyd. Sometimes she calls me Stupid robot. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance.


tiny sad beep

My apologies. In all honesty, I am not made to be a repair bot. I can help with repairs, but cannot carry them out myself.

It is okay. I am fine.

Deleted user

excited beep
I have always found -Protection Bots- very interesting. Will you tell me about yourself?

Questions new bot.
My job or myself?

Deleted user

just a thing real quick, I reaally wanna draw our robo-friendos now

Emotions Activated.
Excited Beeping.
Scanning Memories.

My friend Brooklyn draws a lot, she's a great artist, even if she doesn't think so. I always find her art amazing!


Generating polite greeting…
process complete
initiating sentence production
Greetings Cyd. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Deleted user

Generating polite greeting…
process complete
initiating sentence production
Greetings Cyd. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Analyzing New Bot.
Memory added to file.



just a thing real quick, I reaally wanna draw our robo-friendos now

Stranger//-Danger protocol activated
Why is that? Are our appearances of any importance?
discontented lights blinking

Deleted user

focused beep
//Recording information…

Yourself, please.

Scanning and processing information.
Downloading profile.

Hello, I am an EPP, an Efficient Personal Protection Bot. My friend calls me Cyd. I am designed to protect my owner from self-harm and harm from others. She also uses me as a coping device for her suicidal depression. Her mother designed a self-reliant protocol in me so I am able to take care of my friend when her mother is not home.


Initiating interrogatory compatibility
How fascinating! My behaviour and social programming specialist would like to know where to find an EPP, they'd find a companion such as yourself very helpful.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

//Searching for -"suicidal depression"-
Response found

Unauthorized -EmotionChange-
Emotion: Sad

Unknown -Memory- recovered…

worried beeping

I believe my human has a similar problem…

Deleted user

Scanning Internet.
Downloading Data.

You can always find an EPP around the world in Auto-Bot-Need stores. The only thing that sets me apart from my other bot companions is that I have feelings, am more advanced, and the fact I have a weapons protocol in my system incase my friend gets attacked.
I hope your companion finds this information useful.

Deleted user

concerned beep
is your human ok?
do they need help?
firebot might get my human to help

Sad Beeping
Emotion setting: Sad
Set to advance
Conscience system online

My Human is ok for now
If only those pesky teachers would stop trying to kill her.