forum Pickup Lines
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Hey baby, are you a noose?
Because you sweep me off my feet- someone from DeviantArt

oh god

What the feck

Deleted user

"What kinda pants you got on?"

"Wait, wait doesn't matter, they'd look great on the floor anyway."

(This one worrrks)

@HighPockets group

"What kinda pants you got on?"

"Wait, wait doesn't matter, they'd look great on the floor anyway."

(This one worrrks)

Turzelle and I like to brainstorm (mostly) clean pickup lines, so here's one of the best:

"You need to exit the theatre, snacks aren't allowed inside."

@Knight-Shives group

(this one was made by a guy at lunch)
Hey are you cancer because I can't get rid of you.

He also said.

Are you a brain tumor. Because I can't seem to get you off my mind.


(this one was made by a guy at lunch)
Hey are you cancer because I can't get rid of you.

He also said.

Are you a brain tumor. Because I can't seem to get you off my mind.

That made me sad

@Knight-Shives group

(this one was made by a guy at lunch)
Hey are you cancer because I can't get rid of you.

He also said.

Are you a brain tumor. Because I can't seem to get you off my mind.

That made me sad

Yeah…. Honestly they were not great at all.


(this one was made by a guy at lunch)
Hey are you cancer because I can't get rid of you.

He also said.

Are you a brain tumor. Because I can't seem to get you off my mind.

That made me sad

Yeah…. Honestly they were not great at all.

Yeah. It reminded me of Chuck.

@HighPockets group

"Hey are you War and Peace? Cuz you're thicc!"

And here's a very much not-clean one from a kid a year younger than me:
"Hey, are you my little toe? Cuz I'm gonna bang you in every room of the house."

Deleted user

Are you Robin? Cause I’ll be your Chrom. Fire Emblem amazing reference woo