forum Petty rants
Started by @Pickles group

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Dear boyfriend everyone
You are perfectly aware of what the standards of "fine" are.
If you're not? Allow me to enlighten you.

of high quality.
"this was a fine piece of filmmaking"
synonyms: excellent, first-class, first-rate, great, exceptional, outstanding, admirable, quality, superior, splendid, magnificent, beautiful, exquisite, choice, select, prime, supreme, superb, wonderful, sublime, superlative, very good, of high quality, of a high standard, second to none, top, rare; More
in a satisfactory or pleasing manner; very well.
"“And how's the job-hunting going?” “Oh, fine.”"

So, when you say you are fine even though I have clear evidence you are not
Just say you don't wanna talk about it if you can't tell me the truth.
I'd rather have that than just "I'm fine"
-annoyed because I care for you so much and i want to help but you're acting kind of dumb right now


My mom got me a new desk since my laptop's falling apart and needs one to prevent it from completely breaking.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this desk, but it's placed right smack-dab in the middle of my shared room where anyone can see absolutely everything that I'm doing at all times.
I don't do a lot of weird or sketchy stuff so that shouldn't be too bad… Right?

haha nOPE
I can't turn on subtitles for half the YouTubers I watch anymore because then, if they make an even slightly inappropriate joke or say a curse word of any form, I'll get yelled at by someone
I have to be extremely careful of which chats I stalk or people I speak to because everything they say can be seen by everyone and my siblings don't hesitate to tell people if someone says a "bad word"
And the worst part is, I can't draw anatomy studies anymore because, I dunno, there's something a bit weird about walking into a room and seeing some teenager analyzing the details from a photo of a half-naked female model.

I really don't do anything sketchy on my laptop, I promise


Unfortunately, there's nowhere else to move it, there's so much furniture crammed into every corner of the house that it's insane… Darn it, siblings, why do you need beds anyway?

I'll have my own space in December once my oldest brother moves out, but I don't know if it will be any better because my mom doesn't want me to stay in any of the rooms in the basement (where my brother is) because if I stay in the basement, I might end up like my older sister



I know??? I don't see why she's so worried, or why she isn't worried about sending my little brothers down there instead
And what's so bad about my sister? Her social anxiety??? How will keeping me hidden away in the basement away from all socialization instead of in a corner away from all socialization give me anxiety??? Or are you just bitter cause she's an adult and still doesn't want children?

I don't understand parents sometimes