forum Petty rants
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

Title pretty much says it all. Please, no "oh that's no big deal, stop complaining". Yeah. I We know. Still sucks, though. Let me us vent. Idk.

Deleted user

When people fucking bump stuff with ((awkward silence UWU)) it makes me want to fucking kill myself. And when people bump things like, every thirty minutes or something when the second person hasn't responded in that fucking time period it makes me so fucking angry get a life. I understand maybe a couple hours or days and you've seen the person online BUT FUCkiNg THIRTY MINUTES HOE I–

Deleted user

People picking their nails makes me wanna choke the life out of them.

@Pickles group

I hate chocolate ice cream. There. Fight me. It's gross. Apparently I didn't make this clear enough to my family, who, in order to eat our favorite ice cream (which has chunks that I can't currently have), bought me chocolate ice cream. So they could eat my favorite in front of me. While I'm stuck with terrible ice cream. I also hate chicken soup. It's disgusting. Terrible. Apparently I didn't make that clear enough either. And now I'm starving and I can't eat anything else because we "just had dinner". Call me unamerican, chicken noodle soup and chocolate ice cream are gross.
What the heck am I supposed to do with ten erasable black pens? I want color, dammit. I didn't think I'd have to specify that either. The reason I don't specify stuff is because my parents get mad when I do. So I can't. And now I'm stuck with things I hate. Have I mentioned how much I hate pronged folders? Seriously WHAT IS THE POINT?? YOU CANT DO ANYTHING WITH THEM AND THEYRE ALL WOOSH! I WONT STAY FLAT!!! fuk u stupid pronged folders.

Deleted user

chocolate ice cream is fuckin disgusting

I like chocolate to a minimum but choco ice cream can die

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Whenever someone in my house turns on the microwave, the wifi dies.
Im fine with that.


Chocolate ice cream is okay, it's double chocolate brownies we need to worry about… When there's mint in them, at least.
It's so dumb but I absolutely cannot stand when people put mint in these perfectly good, tasty brownies, especially when they don't tell people "Hey, this isn't a regular brownie, you absolute dipcone, it's filled with edible poison because we hate your guts and wish suffering upon your miserable little FACE"
There is nothing more disappointing or heartbreaking than biting into one of the greatest homemade treats to ever exist, only for your mouth and nostrils to overflow with intense cold pain from such an awful, miserable excuse for a flavor. I hate it more than words could ever describe.


Someone who either chews EXTREMELY loudly or chews with their mouth open makes me want to punch them in the face. My mother was working with me on something the other day during lunch and she was CHEWING. DIRECTLY. IN. MY. EAR!!! She can be the sweetest person in the whole world, but I have never felt a murderous intent so strongly since then.

Deleted user

Someone who either chews EXTREMELY loudly or chews with their mouth open makes me want to punch them in the face. My mother was working with me on something the other day during lunch and she was CHEWING. DIRECTLY. IN. MY. EAR!!! She can be the sweetest person in the whole world, but I have never felt a murderous intent so strongly since then.


Deleted user

Why is my LITTLE SISTER acting like a parent to me??? Like I know what I'm doing and how do do it, I'm more experienced in that than her. She's saying "oh did you do this did you do that? It's your turn to do this." Like I know all of that! Then she has the audacity to say stuff like "Oh I'm not meaning to act like a parent…" Really?? She doesn't need to say that. Also, get this, she keeps telling me not to get mad or to calm down… JEEZ How can I not be angry??


SoundCloud just got an update that makes the comments pop up on the screen as you listen with no way to turn this off…
I hate it with every fiber of my being. I can’t show my extremely sheltered 6-year-old homeschool friends my favorite song now without comments like this popping up in big letters across my screen


pornhub brought me here

this beat is like sex. So damn good

I’m going to make it very clear that my favorite song is completely SFW, I’ve read the lyrics multiple times, there’s nothing seriously wrong with it.

cries in Japanese

Deleted user

All of my neighbors have dogs. Which is fine. I love dogs, even if I can't be around them. But my god they are LOUD. I'm tryna sleep because I have a night shift again and they just don't SHUT UP.

Deleted user

People calling out my stimming like bish my chew necklace is a fucking blippy bop boop if you tried it you'd like it too m'kay?

Deleted user

All of my neighbors have dogs. Which is fine. I love dogs, even if I can't be around them. But my god they are LOUD. I'm tryna sleep because I have a night shift again and they just don't SHUT UP.

Try a white noise machine? Even playing soft instrumental music at high volumes or a fan (which works best for me) are cool and you can look up white noise diy. If that doesn't work, sorry, but I do hope this advice has some merit!


Fourth and forth. It makes sense, fourth being numeral and forth being forward, but then the goddamned word FORTY comes in like: bish imma stay true to the reputation of English spelling and fuck you all over. In fact, English in general is just impossible.

@Pickles group

I broke my walkman and now I'm really upset because I have to listen to an audiobook to fall asleep and I don't know what to do