forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

I don't have a tumor or anything, but I think some of you may know that I've been in and out of the hospital these past few years because of my heart. I have to get a transplant at some point, but I like to think of it as I'm the tin man from The Wizard of Oz wanting a heart to be alive again XD


^^^^^^Saviour swooping in to save this being
I was told that when I get annoyed or angry I speak with an American accent (I'm Australian)

@Broken Princess

Okay okay I'm super late to this chat but I want to contribute.

I'm really glad that I have my best friend/boyfriend because I can just text him and be like "Periods suck can I be man pls" and he is understanding while I just rant to him about being a woman and he asks about it because he wants to be knowledgeable and not an ignorant a-hole and it's really nice because if I talk to my mom or my sister they'll just be like "Yeah we know get over it."
I started my period super late and I've only been getting it for a year and a half but I still get this discharge and I'm like??????? It's more annoying and gross than my ACTUAL PERIOD and I'm pretty sure it's this thing called physiologic leukorrhea but that's only supposed to happen before and during menarche so I'm just over here like ??????????????? I'm definitely not in menarche anymore???????

Okay, worst period story time. (Don't read if you're squeamish)

I was terrified of tampons for so long because the thought of SHOVING SOMETHING UP MY VAGINA seems a little weird to me and I would try but I just couldn't do it. I must have gone through ten of them before I finally managed to put one in and go swimming. Fast forward eight hours - I can tell it's time so I go to take it out and let me tell you….


I couldn't take it out and I was crying in pain. We went to Cook Children's and they turned us away because they didn't have the right equipment, so we had to drive all the way to downtown to the children's hospital (mind you, this whole time I'm sitting extremely uncomfortably with a tampon half in). When we got to the hospital we had to wait for them to acquire the right equipment from somewhere else, then they had to remove it. It was so painful and uncomfortable that I couldn't stop shaking for maybe half an hour afterward.
As it turns out, I tore my hymen, probably because I didn't put the tampon in all the way. It's been months and I still can't work up the courage to try again.

Deleted user

Just reading that is disgusting me.

Deleted user

There are a lot of people that tampons benefit. It’s not all bad.

Deleted user

getting up after sitting down for a long time frick

@HighPockets group

I am currently subscribed to Hell's Waterfall Monthly, and I'm terrified because I have a concert tomorrow and it'll be on my 3rd day and that's usually the worst one for me.