forum Perfectionist Writers Support Group
Started by @Inspired-Sunrise group

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As a writer, I should be writing.
As a musician, I should be practicing.
As a student, I should be doing homework and studying.
As a perfectionist using perfectionist logic, I'm not doing any of that.
If I do things, they'll turn out poorly, so I'll just procrastinate until all my responsibilities snowball into a huge, impossible problem that makes me want to curl up into a ball on the couch and cry. :)


As a writer, I should be writing.
As a musician, I should be practicing.
As a student, I should be doing homework and studying.
As a perfectionist using perfectionist logic, I'm not doing any of that.
If I do things, they'll turn out poorly, so I'll just procrastinate until all my responsibilities snowball into a huge, impossible problem that makes me want to curl up into a ball on the couch and cry. :)

what a m o o d


Oh BOY! As it turns out, the essay wasn't due until next class, so I'm getting to use this time to revise and edit! I've never been more prepared for an AP Lit class!


(Reviving this chat y'all)
As for your daily writing mood-
Me: Ok, brain, I need your help to develop and write one of my two main projects. It's time I actually finished (read: started) something.
Brain: …
Me: …Well?
Brain: OH! I've got something!
Me: You can help with one of those projects?
Brain: Lol no. But here's a BRAND NEW IDEA that you need to write RIGHT NOW.
Me: You've got to be kidding me.
Me: listening to brain You know, that is a good idea…
Me: But it requires lots of research.
Brain: Nvm.
Me: sigh I guess I'll just do some homework.
Brain: No. You're going to procrastinate for 3 hours.
Me, 3 hours later: Shit.

@Inspired-Sunrise group

That is exactly what happens whenever I go into one of my three places I write I have like twelve different ideas and even if I don’t like one I think to myself “no no no you could still use this! .. maybe? Come on you can’t just delete it!” And then I never do anything with it .. it’s a problem


"I don't have a train of thought. I have seven trains on four tracks and they are all crashing into each other and the conductors are screaming." - Tumblr (RIP)

@Inspired-Sunrise group

sorry I've been doing nothing I stopped posting or well doing anything at all through one of my devices and I've not been able to use any of my other devices much (and i'm lazy and self conscious because.. well you know why) but if anyone wants to post they can. anywho thought i'd add I guess.. I have no sense of memory so i'm not sure if this has been added or not yet.. when you want all your stories to be perfect so you get nothing done with any of them instead of the more obvious option of only focusing on one of them (its beginning to be a problem) sorry this is really long and sudden .. whoops