forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

@faltering-through pets

People with anxiety don’t have a train of thought. We have seven trains on 4 tracks that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross and all the conductors are screaming.


“Anger is a justifiable and understandable reaction to being wronged, and as the soul’s first effort to reassert its worth and power, it may initially be healing,” Laura Hillenbrand wrote in an article for Guideposts magazine. “But in time, anger becomes corrosive. To live in bitterness is to be chained to the person who wounded you, your emotions and actions arising not independently, but in reaction to your abuser. Louie became so obsessed with vengeance that his life was consumed by the quest for it. In bitterness, he was as much a captive as he’d been when barbed wire had surrounded him.”

Do you agree? Why or why not?

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“We become active members in the United Nations. After America departed from the UN and war was declared, Canada became neutral in the matter to avoid conflict. It is time we stop being perceived as a pushover country and fight to save ourselves. Yes, I do not agree with how the UN handled the war, but with how violent the survivors of the bombing are, we cannot risk it.” He took a breath. “What I'm getting at, is that with the UN’s supplies, we launch a full-scale attack against America. We purge them all, allowing to rebuild and fix what was lost to the war and expand Canada’s borders.”

Deleted user

WARNING: Extreme gore, violence, and language

“We gather here today, the Union of Canada, for the 2023 national Election debate. Our contestants for this election, Mr. Anthony Topias, Democratic party -” The Affrimitive held his hand out to shake it as the crowd cheered. “-and Juniper Wynterfol, Independent party.” He held his hand out for her to shake. She took it with a nervous glance as the collection of people applauded.
The cheering died down as te Aff started asking simple questions to the contestants. It seemed more rushed then previous election debates. Juniper turned her head to the crowd as Topias answered a question given to him. The crowd seemed tense, as nuclear warfare can do to them. Twenty small opinionated questions passed, none sparking her interest, all simple one sentence answers.
The Aff turned to Juniper, who noticed the shift in movement in the corner of her eye.
“Mrs.Wynterfol, what is your opinion on the mass immigration from America?”
She cleared her throat, making sure her voice was steady before speaking into the microphone, feeling her anxieties fade away. “As some may know, I was an immigrant from America. My husband and I fled here legally when warfare began. It was a simple evacuation since Alaska was taken seized by Canada shortly after. I know the population of Canada has severely increased, but, this nation has enough land and supplies to support it’s doubled amount after Oregon, Alaska, and Greenland were captured. I support my fellow Canadians and Ex Americans in search for safety and peace, for our past has united us as one.” The Aff nodded at her remark, satisfied, as the crowd clapped in approbation.
Juniper could see Topias roll his eyes subtlety at the cheering of the congregation. The Aff turned to him. “What is your sight on the immigration matter, Topias?”
He opened his mouth slowly. “America… was a great country when it was in power. But, as we know, it’s not the soil that spoils the wheat, but the inhabitants. Criminal activity is at an all-time high, our military forces are stretched thin guarding both the American border and keeping Greenland under regulation. It’s the summer of 2023, and there has already been one thousand homicides. People that is three-fourths the amount of California’s yearly homicide rate!” He clenched his fist on the podium. “I will not allow my people to die to the hands of illegal immigrants and barbarians raiding the border.” His voice shook with passion. “We let too many in at once. If the government had slowed down the movements, we would’ve had enough time to pick out the stones littering our ounce bountiful field.” His fist unraveled slowly. “I apologize, a small tangent there.”
The Aff smiled and nodded, “Topias, it is alright, that was a moving statement.” The multitude cheered for his speech.
Juniper looked at him with respect, but she felt a twinge of doubt about Topias’ intent.
The Aff collected a pile of papers, putting them into place by pressing them against his podium. He cleared his throat. “Now, for the most controversial topic. The retaking of America. Wynterfol,” He nodded to the woman. “May we hear you’re sight on this matter?”
Taking a deep breath and looking at the speech draft once more, she began her sentence. “I’m for the retaking of America.”
“And why is that, Mrs. Wynterfol?”
"Think of it, people are suffering down there. They fight and die-” Saying these words made tears prick her eyes. “-for the safety of themselves and others. There are good people, kind people down there who want nothing but peace… Why shut them out when we could take them in, help rebuild what was lost… bring back the memories of a time where there was no war, no radiation storms, no raiders? If we were to shut them out we would be killing the hundreds of thousands that survived. Think of the children born in the wastes, think of their mothers, think of how they would remember life… who are we to not help those less fortunate than ourselves?" She took a breath. “Try to put yourselves in their shoes. Try to imagine the hell they go through every day to get food or water where you can go and buy it without much fear." The crowd became quiet, a few quiet cries and wails could be heard in the crowd. No doubt immigrants who got to safety before the rest of their family could.
“Thank you Mrs. Wynterfol. Mr.Topias?” He turned his head to the blonde man. “Do you agree with her?”
“No.” The word made a small collective gasp throughout the people. The crowd’s chatter fell to a hushed silence. “Let me explain.” He looked up at the lights, taking a deep breath. Juniper watched his eyes, looking up to the sky as if saying a silent prayer. “Let me ask you this question… why would we take America back? It’s a barren wasteland with almost nothing left, it’s running rampant with raiders and murderers. The following video is body cam footage recovered from a scouting team… sadly, all of them were brutally ripped to shreds. Please, if you are sensitive to gore, blood, and, violence, please look away now. The following footage is disturbing.”

Before the footage played, a few people were allowed to leave the room as to not feel sick during the recovered footage. It started off as the scout relaying the time and the discovery.
“The time is 1:38 PM, August seventeen, 2022, we’ve begun to hear the thudding of armored feet and the scraping of metal. It’s been getting louder and seems to be coming from all around us… This ca-” The scout was cut off as another of the team let loose a blood-chilling scream.
As the scout turned, the video displayed the screaming team member with a blade going through the back of his knee and out his kneecap. The scout, seemingly still in shock, stood in horrified silence as an armored hulk twisted the blade and violently ripped it back out of the screaming man. A low and distorted chuckling could be heard as he slammed his armored fist into the top of the man’s skull, brain matter and gore poured from the cracks and splits in his head. The breath of the scout quickened in horror at the scene in front of him.

Juniper’s eyes widened at the sight before her, feeling her chest tighten at the gore.

With the team member now dead, the scout unloaded a full magazine into the armor covering this massive humanoid figure. Every last bullet seemed to just bounce off the chestplate, after the magazine was empty, another teammate attempted to plunge a titanium knife into one of the joints of the armor. As the monster grabbed the arm holding the blade, it clenched it’s fist around their arm.
The breaking of bone and the ripping of flesh was muffled by another scream. The monster dropped the blade it was holding and violently jammed its open hand into the torso and ripped out their spine with ease, causing a horrid sound.

Tears pricked her eyes and her body shook as she tried to keep her composer. Her head spun as if she drank half a bottle of rum, and her stomach turned at the nightmare she was watching.
This… is the horror that happens at the border.

The scout with the body cam took a few steps back as another member pushed past him and unloaded three shotgun blasts into the neck joint of the armored monster.
Again, the bullets bounced off as it grabbed the head of the member and lifted them off the ground. With one swift motion, it ripped the team member in half and showered in the fountain of blood and gore. It threw the legs and still screaming torso at the final scout, knocking him over. The thudding of boots could be heard as the armored hulk walked next to the scouts head and stomped on his skull. Blood and gore covered the lens of the camera and deep chuckling could be heard. Just before the video ended another distorted voice yelled: “What the fuck do you think you are doing-!” Another distorted voice screamed before the video was cut off.

“I’m sorry but the information the recording is valuable, and it is crucial that the county sees what’s out there. That is what inhabits America, there is no more democracy, no more order, no more peace… if we were humane we’d finish what everyone started and end it all.” His voice shook. “They… are dying down there, but the radiation has done horrendous things to them. We cannot allow salvation to the monsters created by the war. If the damage wasn’t so bad, I would reconsider, even side with Wynterfol. But the risks of giving salvation to the sinners, may end up with more of our country dead than alive.”
The Aff, who was equally disturbed at the footage, nodded. “And what is your plan for this operation, Topias?”
“We become active members in the United Nations. After America departed from the UN and war was declared, Canada became neutral in the matter to avoid conflict. It is time we stop being perceived as a pushover country and fight to save ourselves. Yes, I do not agree with how the UN handled the war, but with how violent the survivors of the bombing are, we cannot risk it.” He took a breath. “What i’m getting at, is that with the UN’s supplies, we launch a full scale attack against America. We purge them all, allowing to rebuild and fix what was lost to the war and expand Canada’s borders.”
Aff looked at him with admiration, draining Juniper of all of her confidence. “That must be a hard choice. Wynerfol, what is your operation suggestion?”
“Ever since war was declared and America was under siege, there has been debris floating in the air. With climate change becoming more rampant and wind patterns shifting drastically, I believe it is safe to assume, that as long as those chemicals are trapped in the sky, we’ll be thrown into a radioactive ice era.”
Topias gave her a confused look.
“From various drones, it’s apparent that the amount of light getting through the atmosphere has dropped drastically from California to mid Texas of what was once America, where the wasteland lays. The average temperature for the center of the states that is habitable is -25 degrees to 70 degrees. It’s apparent that the debris is spreading northward as well. The southern borders of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan have had increase of dust and radioactive material floating in the air, leading to major diseases spreading in the past seven years since the war began. If we were to launch a full frontal attack upon America, it will only lead to more radioactive substance in the atmosphere, leading to the death of far more than needed. Our only shot-” She took a deep breath. “Is to save the inhabitants of America, or at least contain them, while we clear the atmosphere of the debris.”
The Aff looked at her dismayed. “But how would we complete this?”
“Using supplies and support from the UN.”
He looked back at some papers. “It’s taken seven years for the radioactive waste to reach five miles north of the border, so the assumption of the debris causing an ice age is a stretched idea. And going back to the UN for a mission to retake America will cause tensions to rise.”
“It’s no different then Topias’ plan. Just saving the lives of the inhabitants and preventing the potential extreme drop in temperatures.”
“You do realise your plan could cause world war four?” The Aff spoke up. “Temperatures can be bearable, but with what we just saw from the video Topias showed us of the scouting team, is it possible to quarantine them?”
“I believe it would be so. I may seem biased because of my past connection with America, but I only want what is best for our country.”
He nodded, but fear could be seen in his eyes. Juniper felt Topias’ eyes scorch into her eyes. Was her plan really beneficial to her country?
The crowd clapped, but it was soon dismissed in a hushed silence. The Aff then rambled off again on some smaller questions, crime rate, taxes, economy dropping, and warfare refurbishing. Juniper again answered them, but without the same fiery passion as before. Her mind was distracted, attempting to calculate all the information she took in within the past hour. Doubts and anxieties filled her mind, but she steadied her gaze and answered each question with fake confidence. She will save her country, and the new one she is running for.