forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Sorry but I already know this, thanks for reminding me.

watch it

Deleted user

Sorry but I already know this, thanks for reminding me.

watch it

I can’t, restricted school ipad,

Deleted user

Sorry but I already know this, thanks for reminding me.

watch it

I can’t, restricted school ipad,

Nvm I looked it up on my 2DS

@Mojack group

Crescents Blade
The moon had just raised, shining the light upon the trees, droplets from the previous rains had a reflection within them. A figure sat, leaning against the rock in the middle of the clearing, a blade's holder resting, and a glint of the silver blade upon the rock, observed by the figure.

The figure pondered quietly to herself, tail curled up, laying still as she was lost in her sea of thought. She pondered on how she got here, and what she would do in the future. The sea of thoughts were tough, crashing around and stressing her, yet the mask she wore hid all view from onlookers of seeing her true face.

She pondered again, the sea of thoughts turning to a field, where the figure stood, glancing her eyes down at a different field, a battlefield of her own people of different tribes. How she wished to stop the conflict, however she admitted quietly that she was guilty of this bloodshed as well.

The thoughts returned to the sea, this time the figure sat on a raft, the seas this time calm as she sharpened her blade, sharpening her senses as well.

As the sun began to sink to the sea, the visions changed to a field, but not grassy. A field of ice and snow, rough and cold to most, but her dreaded rivals. She once again felt, no stress at this new field. But it all returned as a shadow crept from the ground, raising up. A replica of her race's history, more of the dark side and bloodshed, she mused, as it hissed, beckoning her, attempting to manipulate her to join it. But she refused, preferring her own mind, which was powerful enough to conjure up these thoughts.

The figure rose up in a fit of rage, but chained into the depths of her mind, it was simple a mere creation of the mind, that was unable to move freely within the maze.

She opened her eyes, the thoughts clearing up, much like a morning day, resurfacing from the night. Another figure, about her size, with the same figure, yet eyes were glazed over, underneath was the mind of something that hadn't lived long enough to experience the wonders of childhood, toughened by war and hatred itself. With a single nod by the new figure, she sat up straight, preparing the items she had brought with her to her thoughts. The moon, now in the centre of the night sky, a breeze whisking past her mask, she slid her sword upon her back, and followed the other into the forest depths.

"I'll be waiting."

@faltering-through pets

Jen stepped to the side at the last minute, letting the guy run straight to where he had previously been. In that split second Jen grabs the guy's arm with both hands and twists it in a sickening crack of the bone. The guy let's out an ear piercing scream as he drops the knife and kneels on the floor holding his broken arm. The other two guys seem angry now that Jen had broken their leader and lung in after him. Jen looks at them dully through his lashes, his eyes were that of a sadistic murderer, although there was no smile on his face. The first guy tries doing the same thing his leader had done, as if he hadn't seen what Jen could do. As Jen is about to brace himself again for the attack he feels something grab him from under his arms in a tight hold. One of the guys had gotten behind him while he had been focused on taking down the leader. Jen struggles to break free from the double arm lock but the guy proved to be very strong and wasn't letting go of him. "Let go motherfucker!!" Jen said as he kicked the air like a defenceless little kid. He had no time to say anything else as he saw the two other guys coming in from the front. His instincts- or rather yet his training- kicked in and Jen bent down roughly, making the guy bend down with him since he was still trying to keep ahold of Jen. Jen shifts his left leg to the side and moves his right leg behind the guy. This let Jen swiftly grab the back of the guy's left knee with his left hand and haul his leg up, ultimately making the guy release the hold on him as he falls back on the floor from the lack of balance. Jen has no time to take a break as he dodges to the right, avoiding one of the other guy's swings. Jen decided that he didn't want to make small attacks. That would only make the fight last longer, so instead he deals a quick blow to the base of the guy's neck, knocking him out instantly. Unfortunately he wasn't so lucky with the other guy and ends up getting stabbed in the arm. Jen grits his teeth and backs up, breaking his momentum.

@TeamMezzo group

Technology is potentially harming students mental health. With blue light causing a lack of sleep and possibly other issues, clickbait and fake news misinforming students, and Photoshopped pictures of models and celebrities causing youth to develop body dysmorphia, it's leading our generation down a dark hall. If we limit screen time, youth and teens will have a likely increase in mental health, happiness, and face-to-face interactions.

Blue light, although referred to as a singularity, is not just a single shade of cerulean. Blue light is a large section on the light spectrum that is used to light up phones and computers everywhere. Although environmentally friendly, it is harmful to your eyes and has been proven to have an effect on the amount you sleep. According to a study done by Amit Shai Green and his team, looking at screens with intense blue light cut sleep time by 16 minutes and increased the likelihood that one would wake up in the middle of the night. Another study done by Harvard quotes "While light of any kind can suppress the secretion of melatonin, blue light at night does so more powerfully. Harvard researchers and their colleagues conducted an experiment comparing the effects of 6.5 hours of exposure to blue light to exposure to green light of comparable brightness. The blue light suppressed melatonin for about twice as long as the green light and shifted circadian rhythms by twice as much (3 hours vs. 1.5 hours)." Blue light causes a cut in sleep. It has been proven that sleep and mental health are directly related. In an article done for Scientific American Mind, Tori Rodriguez talks about how when students got less sleep, they showed increases in mental health problems. If we cut out screens before bed, then our brains can wind down and we can sleep without stress.

Clickbait is a common tactic used by companies trying to promote a product. Clickbait, as it sounds, is a link with a flashing ad that entices you to click on it. Fake headlines and stories are often accompanied by clickbait photos. Students, attracted to these titles and photos, read news stories that didn't actually happen. This misinformation is potentially harming students academic progress. If a student falls behind due to misinformation, or fails a science test because of the article they found on Instagram, stress levels will increase. As stress rises, it is less likely you will be in the positive mindset. According to one study by Stanford University, students in K-12 are extremely bad at determining fact from fiction (Turner, 2016). What the researchers found even more shocking was that some of the most easily confused "news" articles presented by the study conductors were actual advertisements found on websites. When a student gets fake science news, their grades could go down because they genuinely thought one thing. That could increase stress for sure. Identifying clickbait is a skill, and they will not know how to use that skill later in life, leading to misinformed decisions. When this threat is eliminated, as well as if you are taught how to avoid it, then it is increasingly more likely that students will be stressed about that fake science answer. When we leave technology behind for a while, clickbait news is no longer a threat.

Social media is a blessing and a curse. While it is an easy way to connect with friends, see what's happening in a celebrity's life, and goof around for a while, it has its fair share of downsides. There are millions of users across the globe, and any one of them can find your profile. They can message you privately and bring you down, telling you that you're fat or that something's wrong with the way that you look. To pair with that, photoshopped pictures of models can cause people to think they're fat or ugly, causing body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia disorder, or BDD, is defined by Mayo Clinic as a mental disorder in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that, to others, is either minor or not observable. But you may feel so ashamed and anxious that you may avoid many social situations. While it is not completely known what causes body dysmorphia, your environment is considered a huge factor into it.

Deleted user

MeadowOfSilence: Greetings, welcome to hell
firebrand HAHAHAHA: Thought i was already here
MeadowOfSilence: eYYYYYYY
naaaaaah dont thank me im just a grammar nazi rasies swastica
of fuck
i got rid of it
im stupid
firebrand HAHAHAHA: XD
who lives in a pineapple under da sea
also fuck you
firebrand HAHAHAHA: "three fucking retards!"
MeadowOfSilence: you, me, and our first born child
firebrand HAHAHAHA: i meant to reference a Vanoss bit but that works too ._.
MeadowOfSilence: oh sorry… havent seen that vid
firebrand HAHAHAHA: it's ok XD
MeadowOfSilence: im distracting you, imma shut up and become dank P R O P E R T Y
firebrand HAHAHAHA: i'ma just… not comment on that

Deleted user

quickly read the minds of the two lackeys,
(From an RP post I was rewording..)