forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Me too. Mostly whatever Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil are

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Me too. Mostly whatever Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil are

Damn… why do those two bands keep randomly popping up? xD

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Me too. Mostly whatever Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil are

Damn… why do those two bands keep randomly popping up? xD

Was I not supposed to speak of them?
They happen to be my favorite

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Me too. Mostly whatever Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil are

Damn… why do those two bands keep randomly popping up? xD

Was I not supposed to speak of them?
They happen to be my favorite

No, no after hearing about them for the first time they just… pop up everywhere xD Good on you. My favorite is Starset.

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Me too. Mostly whatever Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil are

Damn… why do those two bands keep randomly popping up? xD

Was I not supposed to speak of them?
They happen to be my favorite

No, no after hearing about them for the first time they just… pop up everywhere xD Good on you. My favorite is Starset.


Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Me too. Mostly whatever Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil are

Damn… why do those two bands keep randomly popping up? xD

Was I not supposed to speak of them?
They happen to be my favorite

No, no after hearing about them for the first time they just… pop up everywhere xD Good on you. My favorite is Starset.


Woah anyway we took over this chat

Deleted user

like listen to different music dramatic gasp

I'm a metalhead.


AAAAAAAAYYYY what bands?

I may have mistaken. If Linkin Park is metal, then yes, but otherwise no. Sorry.
I like "emo" music, I know that for certain

Ooiiiii LP is dope! Ish okay, rock and metal are similar enough and i love both. ^~^ Sadly im not into alot of "emo" music… just… a no from me chief.

Metalcore. That's more my thing

Yeah, that's good too… i listen to alot of genres.

Me too. Mostly whatever Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil are

Damn… why do those two bands keep randomly popping up? xD

Was I not supposed to speak of them?
They happen to be my favorite

No, no after hearing about them for the first time they just… pop up everywhere xD Good on you. My favorite is Starset.


Woah anyway we took over this chat

Yup. We totally did

Deleted user

Previously on The Star Series: After Simon's plan begun, he kidnapped all royal members of the Dragon kingdom! Then after failing an attempt to kidnap Riley, Simon tells the viewers (AKA you) that you read for the pain of the villains and love for the main characters and their peaceful moment. Then we find out about Evil CN and its ability! And finally Kayla escaped Simon’s evil base with the use of her smarts.
And as always if you haven't already Read the previous books! Read the first but not the second? Read the second!

The reminded past of CN, The Star of Victory and Glory. The Red Shooting Star.

(CN’s POV:)
It's about time I tell you my true identity reader… my real name is Crystal Nicole. I'm the true gods daughter. I was a creation of him and satin… but when making me satin added evil in me when god was not looking. When god found out he sent me to earth the same place he sent my brother years ago that's also when I heard of my twin sister Tracy. Or TN for short. She got all drops of my evil except for one drop which multiplied as I got older and more mature. But when I finally met HIM the el flew away and never returned… until he went on a dangerous mission to save my life. He was successful but when he returned… He died. I was heart broken,.. and his final words where… CN show his world what you're made off and take this… he gave me a locket with his picture inside. Then e evil returned when u started to scream cry.

(Narrator’s POV:)
That day of Mr. All-Stars death he gave CN her amulet that helps hide away her evil power. “No! DON'T GO PLEASE! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME!! I CAN'T GO WITH THE GUILT OF LOSING YOU TOO!!!!” Then CN feels his hand on her face then he replies to her “That… wasn't your fault… and besides… I still got to see you. One… last…time…” his hand dropped from her face. And like that he was dead. As tears fall down CN's face as she cried all night long wanting to change the past and sacrifice herself. Of only…

Kayla’s return! And CN’s emotional breakdown. What else will happen?

(CN’s POV:)
I know that people can feel the magic waves from my castle… the intense magic… but what bugs me is that my people don't know about my magic power, my past, or even how I became queen. There are many more things… you see before I was crowned Queen, I was a princess. I was the “Daughter” of there before queen at this kingdom… well… she wasn't the kindest of people… she killed innocent people. She was wealthy in power , she thought she was invincible… until the day are kingdom was attacked. She said she could beat it by herself, I tried to warn her but… she did it anyway… and she was killed. After that I lied to the people and said that the queen had a heart attack and ta I was going to be there new ruler which I did become. I started to lead the people of this kingdom to a faithful and loyal teammate to me and to themselves. That's where my magic came in. I gave a little girl who was kind and helpful the ability to detect danger from far away. She is a guard now. The highest of her class. I was impressed at first I thought she would be too innocent to be a guard. But I was wrong

What’s your purpose? I don't get it?
(CN’s POV:)
So as you may know Kayla has returned from Simon’s base. He’s going to fail like my ”mother.” He’s going to try to do something he can't like face me, Riley, and Kayla at the same time. Now that would be a stupid idea. Especially with Riley because she never give up, no matter what the cost. Because she's both tough, and stubborn at the same time.

(Simon’s POV:)
So Kayla escaped… I know I can break her…. Riley? I already have someone to take care of her… CN? Oh her. I'm going to release her darkness with a lie HAHA!!! I'll win! YOU'LL SEE!!!

The battle begins!!! The flashback of time.

(Narrator’s POV:)
Now as are heros grab their weapons they sneak in the way that Kayla escaped. Riley (too eager to fight) kicks down the door and kills every guard near her. “That's Riley for ya” CN sighs.

Simon sends about 50 of his men to kill Riley but fails in the process because one of them was Miki the clumsy oaf who turned back to normal and started eating random guards for controlling her and hurting her brother. As she is ultimately triggered, she rushes back into the room that her brother was in and frees him and darky.

Later then they finally make it to Simon’s EVIL lair. We're locks everyone but CN out, “Well isn't that's just peachy.”

(CN’s POV:)
As I enter I see him. I finally made it, this is the end of this tragic tale. I hated every minute of this to be honest, but you the reader I know you properly didn't care about me or anyone else you most likely wanted us to die. And that's ok I don't care about you the reader either. “Simon. Turn around and I know you can hear me so don't be a bitch about it.” He turns around. “What do you want?” I sigh “You know why I'm here! I'm here to DESTROY you for almost killing my friends and threatening my people.” He laughs “I'm not an idiot! But you're going to die cause you don't have your ‘Special’ guards.” I laughed “You know I can fight!”

The end is near.
(Narrator's POV:)
The fight is starting! With the start of it having CN go into her dragon form (her true form). “Roar grr.” Simon laughs after CN talks like a dragon “HAHA YOU'RE SERIOUS RIGHT? YOU CAN'T TALK LIKE A PERSON IN YOUR TRUE FORM! THATS SO STUPID!” CN realizes that

My trash

Deleted user

(Emotional perception-eruption)
This is a God Tier power, appearing only in humans who have every elemental power (More than 4,800) running closely in their veins.
The first stage of this power is continuous auras showing any humans emotional state. The colors that represent each emotion vary from the 0.00001% that have it. This stage starts from birth until the human is 17 years of age.
Stage two lets the human have more control over the auras. They permanently disappear from colored view, letting the user see the world as it should. They can switch their sight's color on and off, where the auras will appear through walls, giving this power stealth element to it. The switch is normally activated by small neck movements, such as cracking their neck. This phase is permanent and stays with the user for the rest of their life.
Stage three is where the "eruption" in its name stems from. This stage starts when the user starts maturing as a person, which can happen anytime from puberty to adulthood. With this stage unlocked, a battle element is introduced. The user can absorb emotions from other humans and wield them into a powerful blast. The more emotions and the more negative they are, more likely the person receiving the blast will go insane and kill themselves or simply their conscious shatter.
The people whose emotions are taken from them recover quickly after the emotions leave the victims body, but in the short time that they are brain dead, often passing out. In rare cases, they will still be conscious and the user can control them as an army.
This power is often seen as a curse, to both the user and the victims. People born with this power don't often live long, killing themselves early in life from the overwhelming amount of mental pressure it possesses.

@TeamMezzo group

Buddhism originated in the country of ______.
Buddhism began about _____ years ago.
Buddhism came from the ______ religion.
Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince, gave up wealth and prestige to seek ______ (wisdom).
He attained wisdom around ___ B.C. while meditating under a __tree (fig tree).
Buddha means “
___ ______ ______”
Buddha Preached and spread his ideas until his death at the age of __
Buddhists believe Gautama broke the endless cycle of __
_ and ____.
They believe he attained __
__, a state of blissful non-existence.
Buddhism spread throughout __
_ in the following centuries
Buddhism ranks __
_ in the number of followers worldwide.
The majority of Buddhists today live in ____.
Buddha’s guidelines can be found in the __
__ _____ _____ and the ____ ____ _______.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Oedipus at Colonus:
Woe, woe! on this sad day
We sisters of one blasted stock
must bow beneath the shock,
Must weep and weep the curse that lay
On him our sire, for whom
In life, a life-long world of care
'Twas ours to bear,
In death must face the gloom
That wraps his tomb.
What tongue can tell
That sight ineffable?
Gone as ye most might wish.
Not in battle or sea storm,
But reft from sight,
By hands invisible borne
To viewless fields of night.
Ah me! on us too night has come,
The night of mourning. Wither roam
O'er land or sea in our distress
Eating the bread of bitterness?
Love can turn past pain to bliss,
What seemed bitter now is sweet.
Ah me! that happy toil is sweet.
The guidance of those dear blind feet.
Dear father, wrapt for aye in nether gloom,
E'en in the tomb
Never shalt thou lack of love repine,
Her love and mine.
He died, so willed he, in a foreign land.
Lapped in kind earth he sleeps his long last sleep,
And o'er his grave friends weep.
How great our lost these streaming eyes can tell,
This sorrow naught can quell.
Thou hadst thy wish 'mid strangers thus to die,
But I, ah me, not by.