forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Following that, O’Conner jokes that maybe My Chemical Romance would do another special edition in 2020, signifying 10 years of Danger Days.

“Hey, just another opportunity to disappoint people,” Iero says.


The owner decides what the sword damages and wounds inflicted by the sword never stop bleeding unless commanded to by the owner.
The owner can hear the voices of the (willing) sacrifices which can be helpful in situations.



if u wanna see it you have to add an H to the beginning

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"Makeup is fuckin’ great for a guy. Because it makes a guy look beautiful. Which a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful. And I wanna change that. I wanna make sure everybody thinks that guys are beautiful."- Pete Wentz


"Makeup is fuckin’ great for a guy. Because it makes a guy look beautiful. Which a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful. And I wanna change that. I wanna make sure everybody thinks that guys are beautiful."- Pete Wentz

That's A Big Mood

Deleted user

"Makeup is fuckin’ great for a guy. Because it makes a guy look beautiful. Which a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful. And I wanna change that. I wanna make sure everybody thinks that guys are beautiful."- Pete Wentz

That's A Big Mood

I know, right

Deleted user

The steps of the man ahead of us, dressed in SciFi metal armor slowed to a stop before the security gate. He turned to us, or much rather Eves who I was standing next to.
"I…" He started with a shaky breath, "Can't let you go any farther…" He gripped the laser sword in his hand tightly. Tilting my head, the world went black and white once again. The aura around him turned navy and crimson… we lost him.
"What?" I exclaimed, taking a step forward.
"Cedar, back away," Eves stated. My eyes were locked on the man in front of us.
"I can't let you farther into the facility." He stated firmly.
I growled. "You will, even if it takes me shoving my bladed knuckles up your as-"
"Cedar!" The man grabbed my collar and drug me back.
The man smiled, a twinge of yellow entering the aura "Just like his mother…" I twitched my head again, gaining full color back to my vision.
"Leave my mother out of this, you bastard!" My sentence was cut off once again by Eves who covered my mouth.
"Bry." Eves stated.
"I have a family to feed, Hunter. I want you to take a step back and realize what you are doing, what you are dealing with. This is the Neverni world government center!"
"What I'm doing is getting my childhood friend out of this wicked experiment facility." His voice was cold and firm.
"You're going to do more than that. You're going to kill experiment 001."
I looked up at Eves and bit down on his hand. He let go of me and smacked me on the back of the head.
"You're following a corrupt government, a government that's hiding a majority of the world's history and all magi-"
"Magic that took my sister's life. Life is better now! We don't have to worry about dying to some manic's hands. Those damn amulets killed Ember." His voice echoed eerily in the metal walls that surrounded us. I heard this story before… story of Eves' dead lover, but this is new.
"Bry let us pass."
He lifted his laser sword. "I have a job to finish, I'll be lucky if Kel lets me live."
"Did you not know my father!" I yelled. "Weren't you friends? My father is going to be killed and you don't even care."
His face remained emotionless. "Hunter I know you never loved me like the way I did you. But did I ever mean anything to you?"
"Bryan let us pass."
The armored man held up a comm. "I can't do that."
I launched myself at Bry, placing a spiked fist at his throat. "What are they going to do to my father you heathen."
His neck shifted upward as he gulped. "Never knew half magic children could be so threatening."
"Answer my question, damn it." I growled, hearing armored footsteps near.
"Rullond will be fine. His magic is being extracted. He's a stud if he breeds more he'all jeopardize all the NNMAIF stood for. I can't let you pass, you'll be targeted next."
Eves pulled me aside. "Tell us the code."
"Don't do this."
"Tell me the code."
"No." He looked firmly into Eves' eyes.
As soon it started it was over.
A gaping wound in Bry's chest, breaking through the metal tech armor as if it was paper.
Eves dark sword glowing with power as dark patches crackled up his skin.
"Eves… you were a noble man." Bry croaked, sinking to the ground. He pressed the comm. "Intruders are in sector hallway 397, males, armed, they have the EOD… over."
Eves snagged his watch from the dying man's arm and extracted the chip code. He slammed it into the door, which gave a warning beep.
Alarms blared in the distance.
I looked back at Bry, who only smiled. "May the King take grace upon you." He groaned.
"Cedar." Eves stated, as he started running down the facility hallway.


The relationship between Earth’s atmosphere, weather, and climate are interdependent. According to Activity 66 text, “The way the Earth’s atmosphere interacts with the sun’s energy” determines average temperatures. The atmosphere and sun can affect the temperature, which can affect much of the weather we get. Another way that the atmosphere, weather, and climate interact to impact each other is the water cycle. The sun’s energy powers that water cycle by causing water to evaporate and condensate into clouds. According to Activity 60 text, “Heat from the sun drives the water cycle. The sun’s energy causes solid ice to melt into liquid water and liquid water to evaporate and become water vapor. Without the sun’s energy, the water cycle would stop, and climates around the world would be very different.” The sun affects the water cycle which affects climate. Without the water cycle there wouldn’t be rain or clouds. Clouds can also make an impact on the weather and climate. According to Activity 60 text, “Clouds both cool and warm the earth. Clouds can reflect the sun’s rays back into space, causing temperatures to be cooler. Sometimes they act as a blanket over the earth’s atmosphere, keeping it warmer.” The sun’s energy affects the water cycle which affects the weather like with rain and clouds. The gasses in the atmosphere also play a huge role. Carbon dioxide traps heat, which heats the Earth. The increasing amount of carbon dioxide is causing global climate change. This affects the climate of our Earth. As you can see the atmosphere, climate, and weather impact each other.