forum Paranormal Stuff & Serial Killers Chat
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@Toxic_Persephone group

Question: What got you guys into this stuff? Like, a book, show, something that happened to you, a certain case?

I’ve always had a liking for the macabre and paranormal.
I like to amuse the thought of other worlds and find the darker side of like kinda enthralling.

Most of all, I’m really interested in serial killers purely because their psychology is so interesting!

@Reblod flag

I've always been into it. The earlier days of YouTube had a lot of unexplained weird videos and of course the spooky stories kids tell each other. I always love a good story and it's better if it's creepy. Books also. Paranormal books I was very into but I think where I came from and my age at the time it was very normal to be into it. It just stuck with me

@Reblod flag

It's basically a fictional story about this guy who offered a bunch of money to whoever could prove that the paranormal exists and it's told by the podcast host. It's based on the black tapes that couldn't be debunked. It's done as if it's all actually happening though with acting and such

I found it really cool but it's best to go in with limited knowledge I think. It's a bit twisty. I have yet to finish it because..I have a really short attention span but yeah

Deleted user

Ok, weird thing, so, my grandpa has allucinations if he doesn't take his meds but the thing is that he's been having those even while taking those, acording to him, he sees a small man mocking him and he described it as being entirely black like a shadow, he says he sees people around the house trying to get in and even hears them asking about him, so far, the weirdest one is when he told us that someone was grabbing his leg at night and saw a woman in a white dress after that, the thing is that both my mom and I were sleeping and none of us has a white nightgown…

@HighPockets group

(haha you good you good)

I freaking love Burke and Hare stories. It's so interesting! Like the guy they sold the bodies too didn't seem to even care where they came from!!!

Like daaannnggg

The whole Victorian era "robbing graves and selling bodies" thing kills me, it really does.

Deleted user

(haha you good you good)

I freaking love Burke and Hare stories. It's so interesting! Like the guy they sold the bodies too didn't seem to even care where they came from!!!

Like daaannnggg

The whole Victorian era "robbing graves and selling bodies" thing kills me, it really does.

@HighPockets group

Yeah that too
It's just hilarious to me that there were actual honest-to-God graverobbers who'd just like…steal bodies and stuff. It's wilde
(Hahaha old literature jokes ftw)

@HighPockets group

I'm just really into plagues and some old medical stuff.
George Washington died because the doctors drained like….way too much of his blood to try and heal him.
The humours are neat too!

Deleted user

Yeah, I like medical stuff too, especially old things!
I did a project on yellow fever last year… I had a Styrofoam head named Margaret. I painted the symptoms onto her and gave her a wig lmao.

Deleted user

Happy holidays to everyone here, just wanted to say that, also… Is it weird that now trying to catch a ghost in a photo is a christmas tradition in my family?

Deleted user

So far only the granma photo back in 2015… I´m not really confortable with sharing it tho…

Deleted user

Long story short, this happened after my granny died, my uncle took a few photos and send them to my mom, apparently there was a person standing behind grandpa and my cousin, the room behind them was lit and there shouldn´t be anything casting a shadow that made someone blend in the background or anything like that, yet there was a shadow there, at firts we tought it could be my aunt but the silhouette looks like it was wearing the same clothes my grandma liked and had the same haircut, it was nothing but a shadow, it´s been years and we still can´t figure out if it really was grandma but we think it was her

@Reblod flag

Evidence like this is always really fascinating

like…I'm still torn between believing in paranormal stuff and being skeptical but the evidence is really damning. But at the same time I've never experienced or seen anything paranormal. Or maybe I have and just brushed it off as something else who knows

Deleted user

I mean, I´m also a little bit torn on believing what I see on the photo since I try to come out with a logical explanation on those cases but we even got a proffesional to see the photo (an editor) and he said the photo wasn´t edited so…