forum Paranormal stories yee
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people_alt 44 followers

Deleted user

i know its after Halloween but I'm spooky all year and i want to hear what kind of experiences you people have had

I think ill go first,

I used to live in a house in the city, it was a 2 story house with a basement, but all of the top stories was a bedroom (i was terrified of that room from the start) my parents fixed up that top room for me when I was around 6. they went all out for it, bought me Disney princess posters and bedspread and a whole pastel canopy bed and purple walls . when they showed me the room I loved it, the decoration made it seem not so scary, my mom took lots of pictures of me reacting to my new room. one showed something weird, I remember only sleeping up there twice and being creeped out by noises in my closet. so i slept in my parent's room witch was the room with the staircase leading up to the haunted room it was before Halloween and my mom bought a lot of things to scare kids one was a motion sensor statue that made a noise like a dying cat when the motion sensor, i was lying down because i felt sick and i know i was lying completely still i was trying not to move because i thought i saw a shadow by the door and i was trying to make it look like i was sleeping and the motion sensor went off, yeah i ran out of there despite feeling sick and went crying to my mom. NOONE WAS IN THE ROOM WITH ME and my mom moved the thing out of the room because i wouldn't step into that side of the house with that thing in there.

i have some more but I'm to lazy to type them maybe if yall want them i might

@chaos_generator_13 language

Hi, I am willing!!!!!!
March 13
Today is my birthday.
It's gotten worse.
I've always thought that I was crazy.
My mother says that ghosts are the souls of the people who didn't make it heaven, but weren't bad enough to go to hell.
I think that ghosts are our own personal demons, come from hell to haunt us for our sins.
I remember, when I was 15, I was sitting in my room, writing in my journal, much like I'm doing today.
As I wrote, I felt somebody watching me. I turned to see a little boy, maybe 11, sitting on the the edge of my bed.
His eyes. Oh dear Holy Virgin save me, his eyes. They were empty. Not empty of eyes, he had eyes. But what they held was so absent of anything that I felt myself falling as I looked into them.
He asked me.
"Is this heaven?"
I had no idea what to say. Oh god, those eyes.
"No." I said.
He seemed agitated at this.
"I need to go to heaven. My mom, my brother. They're there."
I felt sorry for him. I honestly did.
"I'm sorry. I'd help you if I could. I can keep you company though. What's your name?"
He twisted his head at an impossible angle.
"Oliver." he stood, his feet hovering a few inches from the ground. "And, I think you can help me."
With those empty, cold eyes, he stared into my own grey ones.
"Yeah, you'll work for me." With a thin, pallid hand, he reached out towards my face and grabbed my lower jaw, turning to mist as he stared at me.
My vision started to blacken.
A scream pierced the black and I jerked back.
The boy's pale hand was an angry red. He glared at the cross on my necklace.
"Spurca creatio cultorque sum. Et confundantur in Deo!"
In a burst of blood red light, he was gone, a scorch mark where he once sat.


I have a chaotic neutral seeming ghost that bothers my family a lot, though mostly me recently. Never seen it or anything, but random things that I’ll tend to use on the daily (note i’m very organized, everything has a place it goes so i’m not just loosing it), like my airpods, makeup brushes, apple pencil, and even clothing has gone missing. My airpods for example, will be lost, and then i will suddenly find them under my pillow where i never have them/have already looked multiple times. The main thing was my apple pencil. It vanished and i looked absolutely everywhere. Then, randomly weeks later (i had already bought a new one bc i thought it was lost forever), i lifted up a couch cushion and it was sitting right under it. I looked under those cushions god knows how many times. Also, my closet door opens a lot on its own at random times, and i will hear someone walking around in the hallway at night when there is no one there. Not too scary, just a chaotic neutral, like i said

Deleted user

i have a lot of stories, and i remember them at weird times, so the timeline is all over the place.

Heres another one: Around last January i was living with my cousin in an old victorian style mansion in the middle of nowhere, it was around 7 and we were watching a tv show called "ghost adventures" when my step-cousin decided to download a bunch of fake ghost apps on her phone just for fun, we went to the basement first. let me tell you the basement layout is pretty weird 1/2 is finished and closed off from the unfinished part witch is 2 rooms, one holds the water heater and electric stuff and the other is a dark concrete room with a bunch of broken barstools and odds and ends on the floor. we went to the water heater room first it wasn't that scary at first but when we opened the door leading to the concrete room we all got cold, i actually don't know if this is relevant but it got cold we stood in the room for about 10 minutes before my step-cousin dared me to walk to the back of the room, i didn't want to seem like a coward so i went, i touched the far wall and noticed it had writing on it she shown the flashlight at it and it said "William Franklin" and a bunch of random dates. i got freaked out and started walking toward the door and one of the barstools fell over.

lets just say i ran out of there fast and never went to the concrete room of the basement again

@Mojack group

Not really my experience but my dad and uncle's, from the late 1980's

Alright so my dad's brother, one of my Uncles when he was around my age maybe a bit older, was staying in the house, alone. And my dad at the time was at work, so my uncle was just home alone. At the time they had a phone where despite multiple phones being in the house were there, only one phone could really be used at the same time.

So there he was, late at night, sitting next to one of the phones. When suddenly, the light for 'phone in use' goes on. And my uncle knew he was alone, so my uncle is like, 'wtf'.

So a few hours later my dad comes home and sees my uncle sitting on the porch. He asks him why he's there, and my uncle tells him about the phone. He left the house almost immediately and went outside. Just sat out there for several hours, and keep in mind we live in Canada and around the time of year this takes place it does get really cold at night. But I mean, 'phone in use' when you're alone in the house??

Smart choice compared to 95% of horror movie protagonists.

Deleted user

I'm still not sure whether that story was a dream or not. Probably.

its ok if it was a dream, i was going to write out some of my recurring dreams because they are pretty scary and i dont have any explanation for them

@chaos_generator_13 language

I'm still not sure whether that story was a dream or not. Probably.

its ok if it was a dream, i was going to write out some of my recurring dreams because they are pretty scary and i dont have any explanation for them

I'd be here forever if I did that…

Deleted user

I'm still not sure whether that story was a dream or not. Probably.

its ok if it was a dream, i was going to write out some of my recurring dreams because they are pretty scary and i dont have any explanation for them

I'd be here forever if I did that…

sounds like a good way to keep this from dying lol