forum Orchestra (Strings) Players
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group

I played viola, I may get one and start playing again though. I stopped at the beginning of 8th grade due to being the only Viola and everyone in the orchestra was a stuck up, popular, B***


Sup I play violin
Not well, but

hey me too
I've found my people haha

Lmao gotta love finding your people


I played viola, I may get one and start playing again though. I stopped at the beginning of 8th grade due to being the only Viola and everyone in the orchestra was a stuck up, popular, B***

Hey, this is almost exactly what happened to me! I still play a little though cause I own my instrument. I was gonna be first chair since there were only a few violas, but literally every other viola had some sort of huge drama with me, you don't even wanna know, so I just noped outta there and joined theatre instead

@Knight-Shives group

I played viola, I may get one and start playing again though. I stopped at the beginning of 8th grade due to being the only Viola and everyone in the orchestra was a stuck up, popular, B***

Hey, this is almost exactly what happened to me! I still play a little though cause I own my instrument. I was gonna be first chair since there were only a few violas, but literally every other viola had some sort of huge drama with me, you don't even wanna know, so I just noped outta there and joined theatre instead

i was first chair and basically I was awful at playing because the teacher never helped us few out and social anxiety was great at concerts so I noped out of being alone and doing solos (When we weren't playing basically the same part as the cellos)


I played viola, I may get one and start playing again though. I stopped at the beginning of 8th grade due to being the only Viola and everyone in the orchestra was a stuck up, popular, B***

Hey, this is almost exactly what happened to me! I still play a little though cause I own my instrument. I was gonna be first chair since there were only a few violas, but literally every other viola had some sort of huge drama with me, you don't even wanna know, so I just noped outta there and joined theatre instead

i was first chair and basically I was awful at playing because the teacher never helped us few out and social anxiety was great at concerts so I noped out of being alone and doing solos (When we weren't playing basically the same part as the cellos)

Hoo boy. I was always trying to steal other section's music and learn their part.


I used to play trombone in our band (it was either band or drama and I chose band for some reason in grade 6) and I realized I absolutely hated the teacher but it was technically too late to quit but then I fractured my femur and couldn't get on the bus sooo I got to quit