forum Operation Pridefall Updates
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 66 followers



  1. Anyone can post updates here. But please, do your research and make sure it's coming from a reliable, provable source. That includes personal experience. If you want to share, but are unsure of the legitimacy of the story, put a disclaimer or use words like "alledgedly".

  2. No fearmongering. Don't be dramatic. This is obviously a sensitive issue, we don't need more hype than neccessary.

  3. This is not a support group. This a place to list facts. You can share your personal feelings and opinions if you put it in a spoiler box or keep it in parenthesis. That way, people scrolling through who just want the straight facts can do so quickly.

  4. There may be uncomfortable conversations or situations listed here. I'm not going to require content warnings, but if you feel they're needed, go ahead.

  5. Do not repost explicit content that may be spread by those behind Operation Pridefall. Don't go into detail describing it.

  6. Be respectful, ya dingus.






I will be strict about these rules. The last thing we need in all this is drama and misinformation.


A young personal friend of mine has been harrassed and threatened through snapchat with homophobic slurs and insults. He didn't know the account. The user knew his exact height and age. He doesn't know anyone who'd do this, and he's only out to accepting people. I informed him of Pridefall, as he was unaware of it before now.

I also saw through a Twitter screenshot that 3 addresses of the public were leaked, and a brick was thrown into one of the houses.

@Mojack group

  • Amino
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • reddit (possibly, just given how many LGBTQ+ spaces there are)
  • tumblr

all of these websites/social media subject to be affected by pridefall among others.
they’ll be sending vile photos and images to LGBTQ+ accounts during this time, would recommend putting account on private and being very careful if responding to messages. take whatever caution you need.

the accounts are apparently already showing up as well, they’ve been told to ‘blend in.’

do not click the 4chan thread unless you’re prepared, it is REALLY toxic. other than that this link is safe and it has some information on it.
I’ll try to get some more resources for this later

I’ve received information that they do this every year in attempt to scare people back into the closet, but given someone’s address was leaked it’s better to be safer than sorry.


Yes it's a thing. A big thing? Probably/hopefully not. But a thing nonetheless.

Deleted user

I do not engage in social medias and do not keep up with the news (besides corona virus information). I am unaware of what this is, and this seems important. Could someone explain to me what is going on? I would like to understand the situation.


4chan users have made plans to harass members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community by DMing links with explicit content, hate speech, and threats to accounts belonging to said members, all throughout pride month. There have also been some threats to "dox", which is gathering personal information, like home addresses and phone numbers, to further harass and stalk queer people. That's the basics.

Are you able to click the links above? They have some extra information.

Deleted user

I had no idea that this was happening! Thank you for informing me. I'll be sure to check out the links.


Many pridefall accounts are being reported and taken down, but they'll keep making them. Several accounts on social media are trying to blend in and send you a link under false pretenses - do not click any links. As Owen said, these are 'doxies,' and they threaten your personal information.


Luckily I haven't seen anything regarding Operation Pridefall in the news or otherwise. I did see a tiktok, unfortunately I can't find it again, in which a trans girl detailed her doxxing story. 4chan users used videos with her house in them to find her adress on google maps. There were mysterious baskets left at her door that were taken by police, and her house was listed on Craig's List with the description saying anyone could go in and take whatever they wanted. Her family stayed in a hotel because they were scared for their lives. I think this might've been just before June, but I'm not sure.
But other than that, Pridefall so far seems to be just another scare tactic this year. Hopefully we won't see anything else in the news.