forum Oof I'm New
Started by @wrathoftherandom-is-being-cryptic

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Well I guess I'm an anti-villain then. I do bad things for the greater good. I have done bad things for the greater good. They haunt me but everything has been for the best.


This is the first time I've heard someone describe themselves as anti-villain.

Well I mean, am I wrong? I don't think so, at least not this time.
I'm brutally honest, Dom. Even about myself.

Brutal honesty can be the best! And just to be clear, how do you define anti-villain?

Thank you, Dom. I find people like you rather refreshing in this world.
I define it as someone who thinks the ends justify the means. Not the best philosphy, I know, but it's how I am. In what situation would the world become a better place without sacrifice? If there was another way, I would happily follow it. But there doesn't seem to be one. At least not currently known to me.
Now, I'm no vigilante. Heh, not yet at least. Just a philospher of sorts for now.

It is interesting. Would you identify with the Utilitarian theme of "For the greater good."
I have this guy Addar. I class him as anti-villain because he does evil to make a better world.

Ah. Yes indeed that sounds about right. Thank you for the insight, Dom!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This is the first time I've heard someone describe themselves as anti-villain.

Well I mean, am I wrong? I don't think so, at least not this time.
I'm brutally honest, Dom. Even about myself.

Brutal honesty can be the best! And just to be clear, how do you define anti-villain?

Thank you, Dom. I find people like you rather refreshing in this world.
I define it as someone who thinks the ends justify the means. Not the best philosphy, I know, but it's how I am. In what situation would the world become a better place without sacrifice? If there was another way, I would happily follow it. But there doesn't seem to be one. At least not currently known to me.
Now, I'm no vigilante. Heh, not yet at least. Just a philospher of sorts for now.

It is interesting. Would you identify with the Utilitarian theme of "For the greater good."
I have this guy Addar. I class him as anti-villain because he does evil to make a better world.

Ah. Yes indeed that sounds about right. Thank you for the insight, Dom!

Always willing to spout semi wisdom.


This is the first time I've heard someone describe themselves as anti-villain.

Well I mean, am I wrong? I don't think so, at least not this time.
I'm brutally honest, Dom. Even about myself.

Brutal honesty can be the best! And just to be clear, how do you define anti-villain?

I define it as someone who thinks the ends justify the means. Not the best philosphy, I know, but it's how I am. In what situation would the world become a better place without sacrifice? If there was another way, I would happily follow it. But there doesn't seem to be one. At least not currently known to me.
Now, I'm no vigilante. Heh, not yet at least. Just a philospher of sorts for now.

That is actually quite interesting.

Indeed. And what about you, new one?

If I am to be completely honest, sure where I am placed on the spectrum of morality. Some days I harbor the foolish optimism of a typical protagonist. Other days, I understand that things must be given up in order to better the world. It may take a tragic eye-opener to truly push humanity in the right direction. But then again, who is to say we wouldn't remain to be indifferent?


It always does take a tragic eye opener to push us in the right direction. That's what humanity is. A collection of things that only work towards success when they have to, and are stagnant otherwise