forum Okay... Serious Time
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people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

Hey all.

I um… am concerned about myself. I feel like my constant quiet slumps (even though I don’t show them, I do go through them) and my poor… everything is just like, really not good.

So does anyone have any experience with being diagnosed with depression?

I really need some assistance with proposing this to myself…

@faltering-through pets

I haven't been diagnosed with depression yet simply because I'm too scared to talk to a doctor about this and also my pride gets in the way, the "oh yea I can totally handle this by myself" while secretly wishing I could end myself lol but regarding your depression all I can say is live through it. I know that it's hard and painful but you have to keep going, also talking to someone about it would help a lot, something I should have done a few years ago but all I could do was cry every night and wish I could tear my heart out from the pain. I didn't really do anything special like talk to someone about it, I just kinda got numb to it after a while? (mostly because I was hella shy, but don't do what I didn't do) And hey if you ever wanna talk about it, I'll be there for ya, I know how it can sink you so hard and fast in like no time at all

@HighPockets group

I have been diagnosed with depression, and I would definitely say that those are signs of depression and you should look into seeing someone.
If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you Emi.


I've not been diagnosed with depression but I've done research about it, mainly since I feel like I might have depression and anxiety. Those sound like symptoms to me so I'd say that maybe you should seek help if you can. As said before, talking to people can and will probably help. It doesn't necessarily have to be a professional but it'd probably be good to go to a professional. We're all here for you Emi.


I have been diagnosed with depression, and I would definitely say that those are signs of depression and you should look into seeing someone.
If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you Emi.

I also think I might have some for of depression because I also often go through heavy slumps that last for about a month or longer at a time with smal day to day breaks on occasion. I suspect it’s high-functioning depression/dystimia/persistent depressive disorder because it seems to characterize what I feel on the daily. But I don’t really know who to talk to about it in order to get a clear answer.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I am, though I have not been diagnosed. The only thing I can say is hang in there.
"Oh! Wanderers in the shadowed land
Despair not! For though dark they stand,
All woods there be must end at last,
And see the open sun go past:
The setting sun, the rising sun,
The day's end, or the day begun.
For east or west all woods must fail." LotR.

Deleted user

Thanks everyone. I really do want to contact a psychologist but I don’t want to tell my parents… since I think they’re the cause of it.

So it’d just be really awkward to answer their questions and face the possible rejection of it.

@HighPockets group

Can you contact a psychologist through school without telling them?
Be careful finding a psychologist, mine isn't very good and just prescribes meds to me that make everything worse

Deleted user

I honestly doubt I can. slightly off topic My friend recently came out as trans, right? And her friends went to the counselors, who told her parents. Sooo I don’t really trust the pair of them much…


I see a psychologist who helps me that I can just talk to, and she listens, but since I have such high levels of depression at times she sometimes wants to put me on meds, but at a certain point your kinda open to it, she also doesn't tell a ton of stuff to my parents, she'll keep them updated on things, I'm actually not quite sure what she tells them. but i know its really nice to be able to talk to some one about your problams especialy if there serious and i hope you find someone soon.


I like the number! I have a weird paranoia ocd thing and I like the number so I went with that instead of having my name since I didn't know anyone on the website.