forum Of you could have there items from fiction...
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 4 followers


If you could have 3 items from any and all fiction, what would you have? Rules…

  1. You have to have the faculties and means to use it, or else, well, it's useless… For instance, if you said Thor's hammer Mjolnir, you can't automatically assume that you can lift it, because chances are, you're not worthy…
  2. Anything goes, unless it's literally part of the character, like, you can't say… "I want Wolverine's adamantium skeleton, but apply it anatomically to myself." Something like the necklace that contains Anna's grace from Supernatural is cool, though, because toucan literally absorb it into yourself unlike an adamantium skeleton.

That's about it, go nuts!!!


I'd only want one thing: the Portal Potion from Chris Colfer's Land of Stories. It literally opens a portal into any book, and you can go in and bring anything you want in or out


  1. The healing elixir that Lucy was given in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis
  2. The seven-league boots from Howl's Moving Castle By Diana Wynne Jones
  3. Aaaand can I take all of space from Treasure Planet and change our entire reality…? Hm…


(I guess…)

Here are mine…

  1. Rick's Portal Gun
    Teleportation, interdimensional travel, and apportation… Awesome.
  2. The Namekian Dragonballs
    Wish granting and bragging rites, 'nuff said. With the Namekian Dragonballs you get there wishes… In case you are wondering. Here are my three wishes…
    a. I wish the Dragonballs would land in my backyard after they were all used up… So then I wouldn't have to collect them again…
    b. I wish, instead of being stone for a year before being able to be reused, it'd only be one day…
    c. The best sandwich in all of existence, just 'cause.
  3. Scrouge McDuck's full money vault.


  1. To be able to heal anyone before it's too late
  2. To travel anywhere super quickly without missing the actual traveling part
  3. … and because I love sailing AND the possibility of going to space, so why not do it at the same time?


Nice… Here are mine…

  1. I'm a fan… Plus teleportation, interdemensional travel, apportation, and because I'm a fan…
  2. Wish-granting, bragging rites, and because I'm a fan…
  3. It defies possibility in multiple ways, and I would be rich and famous.


  1. you can get any fictional item from any book (because it's a portal)
  2. you can go into any book, whether it be fictional or not
  3. you can meet the characters AND go to the places in the books, which are priceless experiences