forum Notebook High School
Started by @ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

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@JustALostM book

I walked in and went to the back. "No one was in my class. Think they ditched or something." I shrugged. "I'll be fine in tenth."

@spacebluelily language

"Lucky," Wednesday grumbles as she pouts and leans back in her chair. "Well, hopefully, you'll have some fun with us. If Vulcan here allows it after their lesson."

@requiemisback language

Emily banged her head against her desk a few times, not really paying mind to the attention she'd bring to herself when she did so. "Damn art block," she uttered under her breath to her journal, tapping the eraser-end of her pencil against it, and angrily so. She was now heavily distracted, although that was a fairly common thing for her to end up doing.


Moss walks into class, god knows how late, and makes an attempt at sneaking to an empty seat in the back. On the way there, they manage to trip over someone's backpack and fall to the floor. So much for being sneaky.


Name: Hill/Reed
Role: Student
Grade: 10th but taking a bunch of AP classes for god knows what reason
Appearance: Brown hair cut into a messy mullet that's a smidge overgrown (Though often wears wigs to school), black framed glasses, always had some makeup on, pastel platform boots, usually a pastel sweater over a collared shirt and a skirt with a petticoat.
Favourite subject: History
What kind of student are you? Soft looking person who's a bit of a bitch
Friends: Go wild man

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(dlhsgdlhalhghlkdald reed? hiya! wassup dude?)

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"Sorry, Moss," Zero whispered sheepishly, picking his backpack off the floor. "you can sit there, if you want," he gestured at the desk behind him.


"You're good, thanks," answered Moss, lifting themself up from the floor. "Hey, by the way, what exactly are we doing right now?" They asked Zero as they slumped down in the seat behind him.


Reed stumbled into the classroom, rubbing their eyes and trying not to rub off their eyeliner in the progress. "I'm here! Only a bit late! There was a car accident when I was walking and the sidewalk was covered so I had to take a new route and…. Yeah!" They rambled, slumping into an open seat and brushing off any lint that was on their sweater.


"Oh hella!" Reed cheers, grabbing their bag from where they set it down and moving over to the seat next to Seeba. "Seebs! My friend! How goes!!"