forum Need help with an awesome idea! (Anyone can join and give advice/ideas)
Started by @Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

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@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

  • 5(or 3, idk yet) times every class, at random times, every day, when the teacher asks a question, if you answer it correctly, you will be awarded 5(or 10, idk) random items(not tools).

-Starter pack: 1 crafting table, 1 wooden chest(there are other tiers of chests), 8 sticks, 16 wooden planks, 1 wooden sword, 1 set of leather armor.

-Possibly something with storage space, idk yet

-Every 2 weeks, you must submit a blueprint of a build that is directly related to the unit. You must also submit a 4 sentence minimum explanation of why you built this. The rewards for correctly answered questions go towards your blueprint. For each 1 block you get that is a part of your blueprint, 4 blocks on the blueprint will be filled in. At the end of the 2 week period, whether your build is complete or not, you must turn it in with your explanation.

-You are able to travel to different places on the map 8 times per day.

-Might have a game shop, idk

If you have any ideas for stuff I can add or change, do not be afraid to post here.