forum Name the User Above (Forum Game)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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You think? What? How do you not know?

I misspell her name sometimes, that's why

Deleted user

Ohhh I thought you were saying you didn't know their name. Like you have a friend and you are 50% sure their name is Miriam but tbh it could be Bob.

Deleted user

Ohhh I thought you were saying you didn't know their name. Like you have a friend and you are 50% sure their name is Miriam but tbh it could be Bob.


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The girl who is now my bestie is named Grace, but when we first met I could've swore it was Maddie. I called her that for, like, a week.

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XD Thanks! I've been told I look like an Anna.


I'll give you guys a few clues.

  • new people mispronounce it all the freaking time like no that is not how you say it aaaaand nope you're still wrong (although that's nothing compared to this kid in my class whose name is Myrddyn. pronounced MEER-din)
  • it's pretty international