forum Name the User Above (Forum Game)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 5 followers


So, basically, what you do is give the person above a name. State your gender,and the person below you will give you a name. You have to give the person above you a first name.


Fakey McFakerton: Male.
Stella StarFake: Ethan. Female.
Garret Psynodym: Lillian. Male.

Even if the person's name is in their username, give them a (different) name based on their personality. Look at their characters or stories if you have to.

Female :)

Deleted user

(Ik, I've always thought ur username was ur real name)


Well, yeah. That’s just kind of my name lol

lol I just guessed from the spelling of ‘back’ being ‘bec’. I just clicked on your name now and realized it said it there.

@Annika Anna female